Dear @zain4110 ,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
We would like to inform you that the delayed JS functionality you are experiencing is designed for speed optimization. It ensures that JS execution is triggered only on user scroll/tap, resulting in faster loading times. The element-rendering scripts won’t execute until prompted by actions from page visitors, so you need to tap/scroll first to get page elements.
Therefore, there are two options available:
- Leaving the delay in place, which means that JS files will require first interaction to load, resulting in a better final speed score.
- Disabling the delay, which will allow JS files to start loading right away, but the speed score will likely be worse.
You can disable the JS Delay option from 10Web Dashboard > Settings section.
Thank you for choosing our services, and we remain at your disposal for any further inquiries.
Regards, Mane