You know what?
This is crap;
This is a crapfest:
I’m sorry whoo – it’s really none of my concern, and I admire your restraint to a degree which I cannot sufficiently express at the moment. You just successfully delivered a dozen roses to a talking turd in a three-hole outhouse, and flashed a smile while doing it.
@ Mr/Ms boristehmoggy… to quote a popular internet “meme”, sir/madam, RTFM. Take a little responsibility for yourself. Who is it you believe you are addressing? Your MySpace girlfriends?
I didn’t know it would overwrite my [moronic expletive by op deleted] style sheet!!
Immediately Abusive
[moronic expletive by op deleted]???
Abusive and defamatory.
Allow me to reiterate, if only just to satisfy myself of the blood that trickles from my bitten lip.
From “TFM” : //
Step 0: Before You Get Started
* Just in case something goes wrong, make sure you have a backup. WordPress Backups is a comprehensive guide.
Precise, concise, located in the instructions, (and not the only place you will find it) a prerequisite to common sense administration of any website, and pointed out to you in short, concise, non-offensive language. The fact that the error was all yours, and the first response you got hit the nail right on the head, just threw you into a temper tantrum. Very nice. That should have significantly upped your chances of getting any real help in the future. Ironically, and historically speaking, whooami would have been one of the first ones to bail your ass out if you had a real problem that presented any real challenge.
Just my two cents. I’m now officially broke.