• I’m using the free version, and it’s helpful. Sometimes there are false alarms, where the link isn’t broken, but the server couldn’t be reached temporary.

    Therefore I have two suggestions for improvements:

    If the user checks the ‘URL Edit’ link, maybe it should be good to have a possibility to check the link before deleting

    If the user deletes a link, it may be helpful, if a customizable phrase like ‘link broken’ may be appended optionally to to link text – to indicated, that the link has been deleted. At the moment, I’m forced to add this text to the link, I remove.

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  • Hello @guenni
    Thank you for helping us improve the plugin and taking your time to write the review.

    About your suggestion, that indeed is a pretty handy feature. We would definitely want to reduce those false alarms and any inconvenience caused by it.

    Rechecking the link before deleting is a fantastic idea and we might even add something a little more just the reduce the false alarm that causes the whole issue in the first place.

    For now I’ll put it on our development backlog and try and fit it into the upcoming releases, I might not be able to provide you with an ETA right now but we’ll try and push this as soon as possible.

    Thank you again,

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