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  • Um. Easiest thing to do is always keep the initial downloaded distro with all the “virgin” files intact as the zip etc. you got it as to begin with.

    I’ve got every file I’ve downloaded since about 1994 – either on my machine or on disk or cd…. some of them aren’t available anywhere at any price any more. So that makes them priceless if they’re things I still use.

    oh wow.. im doing good to keep things I downloaded since 6 months ago…

    I can (and have) easily fill up a 60 gig hardrive in a couple of weeks with downlaods ??

    now if i was on dial up… hmmm <grins and pokes vkaryl in the ribs> ok i was only kidding about that… but I can only dream of saving everything like you have!

    It’s known as patience. And being the queen of redundant backups. And having a safe deposit locker (18x18x24) stuffed with disks etc.

    Of course, if the world goes up in flames tomorrow, it won’t matter at all, ain’t?

    hehehe well.. at least the disks will be safe and live on!

    And when you copy that theme to perform surgery on it, don’t forget to CHANGE the comment area at the top of the stylesheet to reflect the NEW theme and any credits you wish to give. Especially if it’s a spinoff from someone else’s theme. But most importantly, because the information that you place in the commented section of the stylesheet is what is used to display your theme info.

    OT to Vkaryl and Estjohn: Would you trust your data to a rusty old pie plate? (That’s what someone once told me about backing up data…. After I’d already lost a disk full of course. Good thing was, it was 1999 and an 800MB disk, not 2005 and a 200GB disk! Whee!)

    Oy, thanks Joni! I ALWAYS forget that, can’t figure out why the theme’s not working the way it should, then have to go back and do it right…. *sigh*

    OT jonimueller-
    After having to recover data for years.. my theory is if it’s important, it doesn’t belong on a hardrive ??

    Thread Starter montyv


    I used the 3 column kubrick theme and added navigation. Work great so far.

    Phew- Thanks all!! Voi-la my new skin for Kubrick:

    btw- is kubrick and theme and a template? And would you call what I did a skin or a theme??

    Honestly I’m still exploring the admin side and the features of WP.. So if you see something funny thats just me poking around some more.

    antonio via proxy

    Sorry MontyV, haven’t checked this post for a while. In regards to your question in order to export (not ‘explort’ as I put) you need to ‘slice’ your image into many slices. Then you can go to File > Save For Web and the select a slice, choose a output file type (JPG,GIF,PNG) and then select ‘Save’ and make sure you choose to save ‘HTML and Images (*.html)’ and also select ‘All Slices’.

    All you have to do then is open Dreamweaver or a similar web page editor and then edit your pages as a *.php.

    Hope that helps. I am currently making a tutorial on my site for doing this so I will post the link when done. Until then if you have anymore questions just post away.


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