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  • Yes, it’s the original one that came with the TwentyEleven theme, and I don’t think you’ve previously changed it, so it should fix the errors.

    Please, in future, when playing around with any code, take a backup of the working file first. I’ve learned the difficult way quite a few times.

    It could have been a simple mis-typed key press. I’ve something hit a key unknowingly, saved the file, and refreshed, only to find the site broken.

    Thread Starter bobsmith1982


    Wow, that is really cool. The problem is fixed. Save code before fiddling with it. Duly noted.

    How can I add analytics to see how many people are visting my site? Google Blogger, where I brought all my stuff from, had all of that built in. Perhaps I have just missed it here.


    EDIT – I think I found a plugin and then need to set up google analytics for my site. it’s late so I’m going to bed. Thank you friend.

    No worries, you can do this with a plugin, or if you’re a bit more daring, you could sign up for Google Analytics yourself, it will generate the small piece of javascript code required for your account, and you can just place it into your footer.php.

    It’s home time! Gotta love time differences.

    If you want to hide the Gallery title.

    You could do this quickly with CSS, which might be quicker, and less dangerous than editing theme files.

    On line 1043 of you style.css, add ‘display: none‘:

    .entry-header .entry-format {
    color: #666;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: 500;
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    line-height: 2.6em;
    position: absolute;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    top: -5px;
    display: none;

    Also added after Line 738 (this will hide the posted on date, and post tags, this change will be made site wide):

    .entry-meta {
    color: #666;
    clear: both;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 18px;
    display: none;

    NOTE I hope you made all this changes on a child theme as when you update wordpress your twenty eleven theme will be over written.

    Please be very careful when updating in the future. If you’ve been editing your Twenty Eleven theme directly, the next time you update it, you may overwrite it and lose all your changes.

    It’s always recommended to use a child theme instead of editing the default theme directly so that doesn’t happen.

    Thread Starter bobsmith1982


    harmck – Is there a way to only get rid of the “posted in… tags.. | Leave a reply” and not the date? I think it is probably important to have the date for the kind of information I am presenting.

    govpatel – I didn’t make these changes to a child theme. I will figure that out eventually.

    zoonini – Beware of updating w/o a child theme. Will do.

    Adding the following to your css (anywhere) will remove just the tags. The date will be left. :

    .cat-links, .sep, .comments-link {

    govpatel, zoonini are correct, they are just concerned (as am I) that you didn’t make a copy of the your theme, i.e. you’ve kept same folder name as the default theme ‘twentyeleven’, so if you ever upgrade your wordpress, this may be overwritten and you will lose all modifications you’ve made.

    My suggestion would be to make copy of the ‘twentyeleven’ folder in the themes directory. Call the copy ‘bottomupanalysis’ for example. At the beginning of your style.css file.

    Theme Name: Twenty Eleven (rename to Bottom Up Analysis)
    Theme URI: (not required)
    Author: the WordPress team ( change to: bobsmith1982)
    Author URI: (your URL here)
    Description: (removed the block of text - not required)
    Version: 1.2 (1.0)
    License: GNU General Public License (not necessarily important)
    License URI: license.txt (not necessarily important)
    Tags: (removed the tags as well - only required if you're sharing your theme for others to use, it's for searching purposes)

    Change the info above to basically create a child theme using the Twenty Eleven theme as a template. If you go into Appearance > Theme, you, upon saving the above changes to your style.css correctly, should see a second theme that you’ve created. Activate this, and in future, any upgrades will not overwrite your default theme as the other caring people have suggested. If in doubt, take a backup of your working theme locally. It’s just a good habit to get into.

    Hello. I’d like not to remove the wording “Proudly powered by WordPress” completely (delete lines 24-27 if the footer.php in my twentyeleven-child theme), but just to play s bit with its color and location. For example, set color ##009900 (green) and align it left or right. Thanks.

    Hi Harry,

    I would suggest creating a new thread specifically for your problem.

    In this new post, include what theme you are using, whether you’ve downloaded it from somewhere, and provide a link to your site, so people can help you with the solution quicker.

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