• I am editing the sidebar on a theme because I want to keep a page off the sidebar that I was using as my landing page because it showed up twice on the Nav Bar, once as home and once as the page title. Anyway I took a look in the codex and found the code to hide the page and it worked. Only problem now is I have a piece of white text on my Nav Bar saying “Pages” which I do not want. My web site is https://www.allstarsports.co.uk and the current code is

    <div id="sidebar1wrap">
    	<div id="sidebar1">
    		<h2><font color="orange">Site Navigation</font></h2>
      <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=1' ); ?>
    			<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('sidebar1') ) : ?><?php endif; ?>

    Hopefully someone can help. Thanks in advance!

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  • If you want to hide the title change ad the attribute title_li:

    <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=1&title_li='); ?>

    This will set the title to have no value and so doesn’t show up.
    The wordpress page about this tag is:

    Hiding the title is one of the exmaples somewhere at the bottom, there they will give some more explenation.



    Thread Starter allstarsports


    That’s worked perfectly. Thanks alot dsdeur.

    One more quick question. I wanted to change the orange coloured text on the page to a custom hex. I went through style.css and changed all the hex codes manually and it still hasn’t changed? Any ideas? I can post the code if you need to see it? The whole of style.css?

    Thanks again.

    There is a font tag with color orange in your php file xD (i guess sidebar.php or index.php).

    Just remove it and you can style it with css.
    The stylesheet i can view with firebug and web developer toolbar so no needs to post.



    Thread Starter allstarsports


    I have no idea how that got there lol. Thanks again for all your help.

    No worries. Glad i could help.



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