• I am having trouble creating a form using the ABASE plugin that uses radio buttons with different values for each button. I was able to successfully use or find examples for other element types (email,checkbox, and password), but I can’t find any help for radio buttons. For example, the example given in the FAQ

    [abase form=”1,insert” table=”employees” columns=”first_name!’width:100px;font-size:12pt;’,Password^last_name!’password 100;15’$Add Employee” elements=”first_name,last_name” ack=”red”]

    makes the “last_name” field to be a password element type. Has anyone successfully used radio buttons or can provide an example on how to implement them with different values for each button?


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  • Can you please how you used password and got it to work? I have not been successful with the example for password or checkbox.

    Thank you

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