This is a tip to anyone who is trying to make Pink Lilies look correct with WP 1.5+. My problem was with IE. However, in Firefox it looks perfect like on The problem was the far right-hand gutter would not show the Pages, Catagories, Search, etc. This is using the public source files from [ ].
I found the fix here [ ] on the author’s site. Go down to Frederick’s comments “The problem is caused by get_link_list() adding <h2>-tags around the link-category names. A workaround is to remove the <h2> and </h2> from line 504 in /wp-includes/list.php ( for WP 1.5, the file is LINKS.php, not list.php and i modified line 551).
I can toggle different themes, view Firefox, etc. & everything seems fine with the <h2> tags removed. also, i created a Pink Lilies theme by copying / re-naming the “classic” directory & then adding the correct style.css, images from the public “” file.