Thanks for your question. Depending on what you mean by “output (print) the dimensions of an image to the page” there are several ways to accomplish your goal.
As you’ve seen, the image dimensions are available in the “attachment metadata” WordPress stores for each image in the Media Library. The dimensions and many other data about the items can be accessed and displayed with the [mla_gallery]
shortcode. For example, to display the dimensions of images attached to a page or post you can add this shortcode to the page/post content:
[mla_gallery mla_caption="[+caption+]<br>Dimensions: [+width+]x[+height+]"]
The above will display the image thumbnail, the caption and under the caption the image dimensions. There are many other [mla_gallery]
parameters for selecting items and displaying data; see the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab for details and examples.
If you can give me more details about where the information is displayed and how to select the image(s) you want I can be more specific. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions about the above suggestions. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.