• Resolved xxxman999


    Hi all,
    Your help is deeply appreciated! I’m new to WordPress and seeking a little help on a couple of problems. I tried searching thru the forums for similar issues but some of the codes does not resemble my codes.

    I’m using the latest version of WordPress with the “NewsPress” theme. My site is https://occasionaldeals.com.

    issue 1:
    My subcategories are showing up similar to categories on the sidebar. I wanted the subcategories to be indented. My NewsPress theme CSS file doesn’t have anything about “ul.children{margin-left: 10px;}” whatsoever. I can post my CSS codes if needed.

    Issue 2:
    There are random white spaces in every of my posts and I just can’t seem to sort them out. Could someone point me in the right direction to fix this? Files?

    Appreciate any help you can provide. THX in advance..

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  • The random white space you’re talking about looks to be an inline Google ad that’s not showing up. If you view the source for the page and scroll to where the white space is, you’ll see the script for the ad I’m talking about. Either remove the ad from inside your post, or figure out why Google isn’t displaying an ad in the space. It may be that you’ve got your Google ad unit setup to just show a solid color if there isn’t a relevant ad for the content (and the google_alternate_color is set to #ffffff (white), so that’s why you’re not seeing anything in the space.)

    As for your subcategories not being indented, that you’ll need to solve with some CSS. In reviewing your page, it looks like this CSS will do the trick.

    ul.list3 li { margin-left: 10px; }

    Play with margin-left and padding-left until you get your desired effect.

    Thread Starter xxxman999


    Thank you so much for the help, pshero. You were absolutely correct about the random white spaces. I made some changes and seemed a lot better. At least to know where to go to make changes. As for the indent subcategory, I tried to make changes every possible ways to the CSS and still cannot get it to indent just the subcategory. When I view source, I do not see

    ul.list3 li { margin-left: 10px; }

    . I give up for now. big headache. LOL. Thank you for your help

    Styles don’t show up when you view the source because they’re called from an external css file which the browser reads before displaying the page. You just need to add that code to the bottom of the style.css file inside your theme folder.

    Thread Starter xxxman999


    Mannnn, this thing is driving me up the wall!! About the “indent” issue, I tried your suggestion and many other combinations and still cannot get it to indent. I also discover something else in the process. The subcategory is all the way to the left under my second category. I think my style.css is MESSED UP. I restored the theme css file to its original state. Can you help please look at my css code and bring me back to life?

    /*=== Setup ===*/
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    body .nav2 li.current ul, /* this must be more specific than the .superfish override below */
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    .nav2 li li:hover ul, /* pure CSS hover is removed below */
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    /*following rule negates pure CSS hovers
    so submenu remains hidden and JS controls
    when and how it appears*/
    .superfish li:hover ul,
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    /*=== Styling Boxes ===*/
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    .box .spacer.ads .ar{
    	padding: 0 12px
    .ads {
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    .ads img{
    	margin: 0 6px
    /*=== Styling Lists ===*/
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    	margin: 0 0 3px
    .list1 li a{
    	padding: 0 0 0 22px
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    	font-size: 1.2em;
    	font-weight: bold;
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