• Can someone help me to make the blog title in my header link to the home page. (https://lorigreenberg.com/blog/).

    Right now, if you go to a single post it links to that post. If you go to an archived post it links to the archive, if you go to a post from categories it links to the category.

    I’m not sure where it is picking up this linking information, nor where to change it. Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Lori Greenberg

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  • Hi Lori

    It appears the link is missing in your header file. Thus the header link is linking to whatever page you are on.

    If you edit your header.php file, you should see some code that looks roughly like this:

    <div id="header"><div class="title">
    <h1><strong><a href=""></strong>Lori Greenberg Glass Bead Blog</a></h1>

    You will be seeing PHP code in place of your blog name. The part that is wrong is highlighted in bold above. When you see <a href=" , remove whatever is in between the two quote marks after <em>href and paste /blog/ in its place so it looks like this

    <a href="/blog/"

    Save that and your header link should start pointing to your home page from every page.

    You can either use the WordPress Theme Editor, under the Design tab in the Dashboard area, or, if you use an editor, your theme will be in /wp-content/themes, a folder there with the name of your theme

    Thread Starter lorigreenberg


    Thanks! Worked perfectly.

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