• Resolved allover


    I followed the instructions from here on how to add asides:


    and I can see where my posts are added on the sidebar. But I want to be able to add borders and colors and things like that to my Asides. Right now it is just plain with a little text and some images.

    Can somone point me in the right direction as far as what I need to add or change in my style sheet or anywhere else I need to go?


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  • Now, you can style the CSS for the div “asides_sidebar” to your liking in the style.css style sheet.

    That pretty much said it… Add the element and properties to you existing style.css. Perhaps at the end, like this:

    div.asides_sidebar {
    color: 000;
    font-size: 0.8em;

    Thread Starter allover


    Thanks Yosemite… that did do some things… but I still have a lot to research. I know nothing about CSS… Arrrh, there’s so much to learn.

    Thanks dude.

    There are CSS editors which can help. Here is one that I have found helpful- Top Style Lite – its free https://www.newsgator.com/NGOLProduct.aspx?ProdId=TopStyle&ProdView=lite

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    Hi febwa1976. I’ve actually been using Firefoxes plugin that allows you to edit CSS. It came in really handy. I’d like to learn CSS though instead of just getting things done at the time being but not knowing the “logic” behind all of it.

    Thanks for the tip. Do you know anything about Firefoxes CSS editor? If so, is this editor you’re recomending like it?

    It is not the same as the FF developer toolbar if that is what you are refering to.

    It helps with your editting but also helps you to create a CSS providing you with all the styling parameters etc.

    I use both.

    Thread Starter allover


    Hey Feb. I’ve been playing around with it. Very nifty. Thanks!

    Well, just to let you know, I made things more complicated than they were. Which I know I will do again. I figured out what I was doing wrong as far as asides go, and now I’m going to play around with the CSS to customize.
    Thanks. ?? caio.

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