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  • Hello Daniel,
    I can translate Popup Maker into Czech language if it helps you. I am not a profi Poedit translator but I sometimes translate plugins for my personal use. I can start with the core plugin and then continue with extensions if you agree. Let me know.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @wlashack – I am not sure that we can upload the PO files any longer. Popup Maker translations are now managed by the community via the link above. Anybody can log in and register to translate into any language. Eventually all plugins & themes here will work this way.

    We would be happy for you to translate it but I would actually hold off until version 1.4 is released as it make a lot of changes that will make old translations invalid.

    Hi @danielider …
    I got translated to Persian popup maker..
    I’m allowed to publish?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @codersblack – Anybody can submit translations. Read this for details

    Here is the link to the Persian language hub for Popup Maker

    Appreciate the help. If you are interested in some free extensions we offer them to anyone who is actively translating them for us.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @codersblack – I will see what I can do to get it added. Appreciate it very much. If we can’t upload it would you be interested in submitting them copy/paste style into the translation system? That way you will get official credit ??

    Iran sanctions because of the country you. Iranian programmers can access to funding various sites. I like the design and redesign the site and translate templates in this field I am. If possible we can sign a contract with a joint profitability of reach.
    Put it this way is that after you bought your theme and I have the will and I’ll translate it and I will sell in the Farsi language and share it with we profit.
    Wait for the answer you have comments to my email.
    [ redacted, support is not offered via email, Skype, IM etc. only in the forums ]

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Side note: @codersblack Please do not post your email in these forums.

    I’d be happy to translate into Dutch if that’s helpful

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @deranged Brony – Absolutely. I think there is already a decent start to the Dutch translations but any help is welcome.

    I can translate it into Arabic if this may help
    my website content is in arabic so all the settings needs to be in arabic i wish to help.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @michaelamir7 – Absolutely, we would very much appreciate the help.

    Please check the links above to see how you can get started.




    I have been adding around 130 strings to Popup maker some weeks ago, but no one seems to either approve or reject them…?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @vertaalservicesinfronteras – Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Can you tell me which language your submitting for? Likely we don’t have an active PTE (Plugin Translation Editor) for that language. If your up for it we offer a free core bundle license as long as you stay active and approving / submitting translations your bundle is on us.

    Be warned though that every language team has different processes for approving translators, some require live chats to ensure fluency.

    Let me know and feel free to submit a ticket at if you want to take this private.



    Hi Daniel,

    I’m translating into Dutch, it seems there is already an editor for that language.

    On the other hand I won’t be able to edit through/with live chats, it would disrupt my normal (translation) workflow too much…

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