Help…..tried to download and install the latest version here at WP and my site is all messed up. Besides not seeing my start page this is what it is showing across the top of the site:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘focusbey_wp.wp_categories’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT cat_ID from wp_categories WHERE category_nicename = ‘blog’
WordPress database error: [Table ‘focusbey_wp.wp_categories’ doesn’t exist]
# sem_theme_init SELECT categories.*, COUNT( DISTINCT post2cat.post_id ) as num_posts FROM wp_categories AS categories INNER JOIN wp_post2cat AS post2cat ON post2cat.category_id = categories.cat_ID INNER JOIN wp_posts AS posts ON posts.ID = post2cat.post_id WHERE posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND posts.post_date_gmt <= ‘2007-12-05 08:49:59’ AND ( categories.cat_name REGEXP ‘^(blog|archives|buzz|gallery|resources|links|projects|downloads|solutions|services|about|contact|legal)$’ OR categories.category_nicename REGEXP ‘^(blog|archives|buzz|gallery|resources|links|projects|downloads|solutions|services|about|contact|legal|home|sidebar|highlights)$’ ) GROUP BY cat_ID HAVING num_posts > 0
How do I remedy this? HELP..Please….someone