• Note: I am using this on MultiSite.

    I found some stuff in the development log that I couldn’t find any additional information on on your documentation.

    “Added option to dismiss all Really Simple SSL notices” – Is this only available on a per-site basis, or should this be able to be managed for the entire Network?

    “Tweak: constant RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE to allow users to hide notices.” – Can you tell me if this constant is still being used and what it does exactly?

    Additionally – after recently upgrading from an older version, all my subsites have a red (1) on the Settings menu that is associated with the Settings->SSL menu item. I can’t find a way to dismiss this at all, but surely that can’t be right…

    (I’d love to remove it from ALL sites on the network of course.)

    thanks for any info you can provide!

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  • Plugin Author Mark


    Hi Jason,

    the option to dismiss all notices is indeed only available on a per-site basis. It can be enabled in the sites SSL settings. This option could be available on the network menu. We will look into this and implement it on the network menu as well.

    The RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE can be used to dismiss the activate SSL/SSL activated notices. These are the initial notices shown before and after activating SSL.

    Can you check in the network SSL settings which option is causing the +1 and could you try to dismiss that notice to see if it also removes the +1 from the subsites?


    Howdy Mark, thanks for the quick response.

    I added the following to wp-config.php as follows:

    But it made no change.

    It seems like this red (1) is supposed to indicate there is a Notice on the Settings->SSL page, but there just isn’t (hence why I can’t get rid of it).

    In an attempt to debug the problem, I started looking at the following:
    in the function count_plusones()
    I var_dump()’d $notices when $count was about to be implemented, making me think this is the notice that the plugin is expecting me to see:

    array(3) {
    array(3) {
    string(17) “rsssl_ssl_enabled”
    string(31) “rsssl_htaccess_redirect_allowed”
    string(18) “rsssl_no_multisite”
    string(20) “rsssl_check_redirect”
    array(7) {
    array(2) {
    string(46) “301 redirect to https set: .htaccess redirect.”
    string(7) “success”
    string(155) “https://REDACTED/jason/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=rlrsssl_really_simple_ssl&tab=settings&highlight=wp-redirect-to-htaccess”
    array(4) {
    string(567) “WordPress 301 redirect enabled. We recommend to enable the 301 .htaccess redirect option on your specific setup. <span>Enable</span> or<span class=’rsssl-dashboard-dismiss’ data-dismiss_type=’check_redirect’>dismiss</span><span class=’rsssl-dashboard-plusone update-plugins rsssl-update-count’><span class=’update-count’>1</span></span>”
    string(7) “warning”
    array(3) {
    string(91) “Enable a .htaccess redirect or WordPress redirect in the settings to create a 301 redirect.”
    string(7) “warning”
    array(3) {
    string(122) “.htaccess is not writable. Set 301 WordPress redirect, or set the .htaccess manually if you want to redirect in .htaccess.”
    string(7) “warning”
    array(3) {
    string(141) “Https redirect cannot be set in the .htaccess file. Set the .htaccess redirect manually or enable the WordPress 301 redirect in the settings.”
    string(7) “warning”
    array(3) {
    string(106) “No 301 redirect is set. Enable the WordPress 301 redirect in the settings to get a 301 permanent redirect.”
    string(7) “warning”

    Note: I did upgrade from several versions ago. Not sure if something weird is going on because of that.

    For more info, I enabled the Debug setting and here’s a dump:

    Plugin version: 3.3.1
    Invalid SSL certificate
    SSL is enabled

    * Mixed content fixer
    * WordPress redirect

    Server information
    Server: apache
    SSL is activated network wide

    building domain list for multisite…
    Detecting configuration

    SSL Configuration
    testing htaccess rules…
    test page url, enter in browser to check manually: [REDACTED]/jason/jason/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/testssl/serverhttpson/ssl-test-page.html
    htaccess test rules failed. Set WordPress redirect in settings/SSL
    checking if .htaccess can or should be edited…
    .htaccess does not contain default Really Simple SSL redirect
    retrieving redirect rules
    converting siteurl and homeurl to https
    Mixed content fixer successfully detected


    ^^ A couple notes on the debug info.

    1) The SSL Test page the plugin provides is wrong. It duplicates the subsite folder name (see /jason/jason/ in the url).
    2) When i remove the duplicate /jason/ and test the SSL test page, I get something that says:
    This page is for testing SSL functionality. #SSL TEST PAGE#
    (and a valid secure connection from my browser)
    3) I’m unsure why the log says “Invalid SSL certificate”. It’s most certainly a valid SSL certificate. My browser confirms it as does the ssl labs tester.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if I can help look into it anymore!

    Some more info:

    Simply savings the Settings page doesn’t do anything to the red (1), BUT if I go in and DISABLE the setting for WordPress 301 redirection, then two things happen:

    1) the red (1) goes away
    2) the notice about a 301 redirect shows up!

    Toggling that setting toggles both the notice and red (1)… but in what feels like a backwards way.

    “Enable WordPress 301 redirection to SSL”: Enabled
    notice = not there
    red (1) = there

    “Enable WordPress 301 redirection to SSL”: Disabled
    notice = there
    red (1) = not there

    Plugin Author Mark


    Hi Jason,

    the only notice in your list that could cause the (1) is the “WordPress 301 redirect enabled. We recommend to enable the 301 .htaccess redirect option on your specific setup” one. This is only triggered when the 301 redirection to SSL is enabled and the .htaccess redirect is disabled (but can be enabled). Now the plugin does check if the site is_multisite() or not before showing this message. When testing this on a multisite environment I’m unable to replicate the issue by enabling/disabling the WordPress 301 redirection to SSL. Can you send us your current setting in the network SSL menu and on the subsite showing the (1) so we can test with your configuration? And could you try if enabling the .htaccess redirect for the network in the network SSL settings also removes the (1)?


    >> Can you send us your current setting in the network SSL menu and on the subsite showing the (1) so we can test with your configuration?

    Network Settings is “Enable SSL: networkwide”

    >> And could you try if enabling the .htaccess redirect for the network in the network SSL settings also removes the (1)?

    To confirm, you mean manually adding an htaccess rule to redirect traffic to https yeah? Cause if you meant toggling something in the dashboard, I don’t have any htaccess-related settings. I see:

    Mixed Content fixer (on)
    Enable WP 301 (off at the moment but i’ve been toggling this per my earlier opsts)
    Enable JS: (off)
    Debug (off) at the moment, was obviously on earlier
    Alternative method: (off)
    Dismiss all RSS notices (off)

    Update: I’ve added a rule directly to .htaccess to force https.

    Here’s what that changes:
    Now I NEVER see the actual notice that I was able to toggle earlier, however the red(1) still toggles on and off (again in what seems like a backwards way).

    Enable WP 301 Redirection off => no red (1)
    Enable WP 301 Redirection on => yes red (1)

    (but again, no actual notice is displayed)

    Plugin Author Mark


    Hi Jason,

    thanks for providing the additional info. I’m unable to replicate the issue using your settings. It might be something specific on your sites which is causing the issue.

    The network SSL settings has an option to enable the .htaccess redirect for the entire network. That will automatically add the .htaccess redirect for the entire network, so you won’t have to add the redirect manually. As I suspect the (1) is related to the .htaccess redirect that might solve the issue.

    You could also try to enable the ‘Dismiss all Really Simple SSL notices’ option. That should prevent the (1) from showing.


    > The network SSL settings has an option to enable the .htaccess redirect for the entire network.

    Ok hang on now…. My network settings page (wp-admin/network/settings.php?page=really-simple-ssl) has ONLY “Enable SSL” “networkwide|per site”.

    There are no other multisite options.

    Browsing class-multisite.php, and your comment, makes me think there should be a slew more

    Plugin Author Mark


    Hi Jason,

    I’m sorry, all this time I’ve been testing with another plugin enabled which added these options. I’ve now tested it with just Really Simple SSL and am able to reproduce the issue. Could you update Really Simple SSL to this branch: https://github.com/rlankhorst/really-simple-ssl/tree/no-redirect-plusone-on-multisite?

    This version includes an additional check to prevent the (1) showing on multisite and should fix the issue. Sorry for the confusion.


    That definitely makes the red (1) go away – thanks!

    Will that be included in a new public release soon?

    Also, now you’re got me wondering where you got all those other MultiSite options – is that the Pro version of Really Simple SSL or something else?


    Sorry to be ‘pushy’, but might you have answers to those two questions above? You were on fire with being responsive up until then ??

    1) Will these changes you had me test from github be rolled into a public release on wp.org soon?

    2) Where did those other options on Network Settings come from for you? Is that the pro version, or something else? (I’m interested!)

    thanks again. have a nice weekend

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Hi @madtownlems,

    Yes, the fix will be included in our next release, expected within 2 weeks.

    Wich options are you referring to? I can’t discuss premium features here as pre the forum rules, but please feel free to contact us about this by email.


    > I can’t discuss premium features here as pre the forum rules, but please feel free to contact us about this by email.

    For as much of a “forum rules” stickler I am, I didn’t know that – thanks! (And thanks for your reply by email as well.)

    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the next release.

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