• Hi there!

    It looks like there’s some code in there for filtering which post types are eligible to switch to/from. Could someone help with a snippet please of how to use them?

    Say I have a Custom Post type of ‘foo’ that I don’t want people to be able to switch to/from (due to having lots of corresponding metadata). How would I do that?


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  • Plugin Author John James Jacoby


    You’ll need to use the Post Type Attributes of your foo Post Type to help narrow the results down.

    Depending on the situation, that may involve needing to rethink the attributes in your Post Type, making it non-public or hiding the UI.


    The name of the filter is pts_post_type_filter. It accepts anything that the get_post_types() function does, defined by register_post_type() itself.


    The default arguments in the Post Type Switcher plugin are:

    'public'  => true,
    'show_ui' => true

    That means it’s only allowing switching for Post Types that are user-facing and public in nature.

    (The one exception to this is the attachment type, which kinda works, but exposes some weird inner workings in WordPress that are beyond the scope of this plugin to address, so it is intentionally not allowed to be switched to or from.)

    The purpose of this plugin is to act as a utility to allow any user to freely change a user-facing Post Type as they deem necessary. If your foo Post Type is user facing, my recommendation is not to prevent users from switching between it and something else, because it’s their content and they should be allowed to clean it up or edit it if they need to.

    Here’s an example plugin that I’ve used in the past (to show others how you’d use the available filter to change the criteria) but I’m unsure if it will be helpful for your use case:

     * Plugin Name: Post Type Switcher Override
     * Author:      jjj
     * License:     GPLv2 or later
     * License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
     * Description: Override the post type switcher criteria
     * Version:     1.0.0
    // Exit if accessed directly
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
    apply_filters( 'pts_post_type_filter', function() {
    	return array(
    		// Edit these args, or add new ones
    		'public'  => true,
    		'show_ui' => true
    } );

    The only other work-around is that in order for the Post Type to appear in the list, the currently logged in user must possess the publish_posts capability for it. You could use the map_meta_cap filter to falsify that check, or use some specific capability overrides in your Post Type to otherwise force you to manually check them as needed instead.

    Hopefully that is at least somewhat helpful!

    Thread Starter Jason LeMahieu (MadtownLems)


    Thank you so much for the reply. It’s definitely helpful in the sense that it answers my question. I don’t necessarily agree with the approach, but as a fellow plugin maintainer, I know how there will always be users who disagree with you and appreciate your work and help here nonetheless. ??

    For reference, I was looking to exclude Events from the type of things that can be switched to/from, because 95% of the data is stored in meta content that isn’t applicable to any other post type: start date/time, end date/time, cost, location, etc. I worry that people will simply switch a Post to an Event and think that accomplished anything meaningful.

    I’d love to see something like a simple filter added here:

    $types = get_post_types( $this->get_post_type_args(), $output );

    to become something like:

    $types = apply_filters( ‘post_type_switcher_post_types’, get_post_types( $this->get_post_type_args(), $output ) );

    so we could easily add our own logic.

    Thanks again for your reply. Cheers!

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