• hello.
    i installed a new theme and i have a problem because it doesnt shows me the images.
    i found the error it insert images like <img src=thumbnail.jpg?src=https://MYSITE.COM/wp-content/uploads/image.jpg&h=100&w=100 and the images doesnt show.
    the right link must be WITHOUT https://MYSITE.COM
    the right link is <img src=thumbnail.jpg?src=/wp-content/uploads/image.jpg&h=100&w=100 and is ok but i don’t know how to do that. can somebody help?

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  • Thread Starter samfingcul


    how can I extract MYSITE from there? somebody?

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    somebody can help?

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    c’mon guys.. help me with my little problem

    Are you using the TimThumb plugin? Looks like it. Can you show us the code you’re using in your theme to fetch the image?

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    yes it is the TimThumb and i hope this code line is what you asking.
    <img class=”home-thumbs” alt=”‘.$title.'” src=”‘.$blogurl.’/thumbnail.php?src=’.$image.’&h=80&w=120&zc=0″ />
    and that line means …thumbnail.php?src=https://www.mysite.com/image.jpg and it is not working.. if i test without “https://www.mysite.com&#8221; it works but i dont know how to extract my url from link

    Ok here’s what I have to do when I use TimThumb. First make sure the folder that contains it has it’s permissions set to writeable. Here’s what my code looks like:

    <img src="https://mysite.com/js/timthumb.php?src='.$image.'&w=280&zc=1" alt="" class="">

    You have to point the image location first to TimThumb, and then to the location of the image. So if your TimThumb script is in a folder named ‘js’ at the root of your domain the url would look like the one above.

    Or did you rename timthumb to be thumbnail.php? If so and it’s still not working try replacing ‘.$blogurl.’ with an absolute path. If that doesn’t work double check your permissions on the folder containing the TimThumb script, and also make sure that inside that same folder is another folder named “cache” that’s also writeable.

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    i can not point the image location because this is automatically if i point one image it will modify more images… more posts with the same pic.
    the problem is not at ‘.$blogurl.’ the problem is at ‘.$image.’
    that ‘.$image.’ means https://www.mysite.com/image-location/ and i want ‘.$image.’ to be /image-location/ only.

    Did you define $image somewhere else, above the code perhaps?

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    no i didnt defined it.. i think this is the solution but i don’t know how to do that.. to define $image to /

    Hm…I’m not too sure either. You could try this, but I don’t know that it will work.

    <? $image = /image-location/ ?>

    That’s probably not right but it might be close. Hopefully someone else will be able to pop in and give you the right answer.

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    no, it is not working

    Thread Starter samfingcul


    can somebody else to help please?

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