Help!!! Still trying to clean up a€|? characters!!!
I’ve read the forums – but most are from 5 or 6 years ago but I worry about responses which are more than a year old still being viable solutions.
I’m running 4.4. I tend to only get this if I copy/paste text from another source – any source and the odd characters turn up mostly at the beginning, end, and where there is punctuation in the middle of a word.
I read I should change the wpconfig file as follows:
define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);
// define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);
That worked!! I was psyched…. until I made a few text edits. Then my post went from having just ? to a€|? and other characters.
I know this is an old problem – but I’d appreciate any new help anyone could provide!
Meanwhile – I’ll keep pouring through the forums….
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