Help Removing Category Archive Label/Spacing
I don’t like that when I click on a category link, and it shows me all articles categorized as X, that at the top it says, “Archive for X category”, etc. I went into my archive.php and found:
<?php $post = $posts[0]; // Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works. ?>
<?php /* If this is a category archive */ if (is_category()) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for the ‘%s’ Category’, ‘kubrick’), single_cat_title(”, false)); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is a tag archive */ } elseif( is_tag() ) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Posts Tagged ‘%s’’, ‘kubrick’), single_tag_title(”, false) ); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is a daily archive */ } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(_c(‘Archive for %s|Daily archive page’, ‘kubrick’), get_the_time(__(‘F jS, Y’, ‘kubrick’))); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is a monthly archive */ } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(_c(‘Archive for %s|Monthly archive page’, ‘kubrick’), get_the_time(__(‘F, Y’, ‘kubrick’))); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is a yearly archive */ } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(_c(‘Archive for %s|Yearly archive page’, ‘kubrick’), get_the_time(__(‘Y’, ‘kubrick’))); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is an author archive */ } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php _e(‘Author Archive’, ‘kubrick’); ?></h2>
<?php /* If this is a paged archive */ } elseif (isset($_GET[‘paged’]) && !empty($_GET[‘paged’])) { ?>
<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php _e(‘Blog Archives’, ‘kubrick’); ?></h2>
<?php } ?>This block of code. Removing the “<h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for the ‘%s’ Category’, ‘kubrick’), single_cat_title(”, false)); ?></h2>” line removes the text but, when you look at the category page there is still a block of color at the top where the text used to occupy. How can I remove that little block so that the top thing is the first article? Any ideas?
You can see the strip I’m talking about here:,
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