I want to remove one WordPress install but keep a 2nd WordPress install working normally, but there are some facts that don’t make sense to me about the two installs.

    A few years ago I originally did a wordpress install at My1stSite.com/MyBlog. I still own this domain but don’t use it anymore.

    My blog now resides at the root directory of My2ndSite.com.

    My1stSite.com/MyBlog redirects to My2ndSite.com (however if I try to reach My1stSite.com/MyBlog/wp-admin, right now I get an internal server error).

    I want to take down My1stSite.com/MyBlog, however when I go into Softaculous and look at the details of My1stSite.com/MyBlog, it says it uses a database named DBase11.
    When I look at the details of My2ndSite, it says it uses DBase22.

    The size of DBase11 is 31.62 MB. <– This has to be the current one based on its size.
    The size of DBase22 is 0.37 MB.

    My1stSite.com/MyBlog says it is version 3.2.1.
    My2ndSite install says it is version 3.5.1.

    I don’t understand why the info about the 2nd WordPress install says it’s using the 1st database, but it appears to be using the 1st. Is possible that the details of the wordpress install are wrong?

    How can I remove WordPress install #1 but keep WordPress install #2 working normally?

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  • Look at your wp-config.php file for the database details that you are using for each site. You can identify and delete the database of the site you want to delete. If you are NOT sure, seek the support of your host so that you do not mess up things beyond correction.

    Backup everything (including database) beforehand.

    Thread Starter chad-wordpress


    Thank you very much for the response!

    When I look at the wp-config.php files, the database name is actually the same for both (DBase11), however for My1stSite.com/MyBlog the table_prefix shows “pre1” and for My2ndSite.com the table_prefix is “pre2”.

    If I go to phpMyAdmin and look at DBase11, all of the tables have a prefix of “pre2”.

    I’ve never removed a WP install before but after reading a few posts online I would be more comfortable doing a manual uninstall rather than running the Fantastico script since I’m concerned that it may not remove it correctly. (Recall that Softaculous gave a different database name for my 2nd site.)

    – Is it common to remove the WP install and the Database in separate steps?
    – Should I be safe to go ahead and delete DBase22 since it is not used by either WP install? (Should that be done through MySQLDatabases? phpMyAdmin?)
    – Do I remove the WP install by just deleting the full My1stSite.com/Myblog directory? Or is it more complex than that?

    Thanks again.

    It’s good to know that you located the problem.

    BTW, I would not suggest anything about working on MySQL Databases/ phpMyAdmin because, if you are not sure about what you are doing, you may end up with everything messed up. Better, backup your complete site and start working on a local instal of WordPress after importing your site into it.

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