• KiwEric


    I have what for me at least is a really strange situation and would very much appreciate any help in finding a solution.

    I have a primary site (primary domain.com) which has been in operation for a number of years. This primary site also supports a related blog (primary site/blog) and both blog and primary site function without problem. Obviously the primary site is located in the root (public_html) directory with the blog being located in a sub-directory simply named “Blog”

    Several weeks ago I added an add-on domain (add-on domain.com) with the site files being located in its own sub-directory off the root
    directory. The add-on domain has been functioning as it should for several weeks. As a part of the development of the site I tried to add a related blog in a sub-directory off the add-on directory. I.e root directory/add-on site/add-on site blog/, this is where all the problems commenced.

    The problem is as follows – having installed wordpress 3.3.1 generally the basic blog appears to function and load ok. After several hours I get a 404 page not found error for the add-on domain and subsequently the related blog.

    If I effectively deactivate the blog by renaming the blog directory “old add-on blog the add-on site will once again load but only after several hours (normally after I have slept for the night) but not immediately. I have replicated this situation several times in my efforts to resolve this issue, but thus far have not managed to find a solution. This leads me to believe that the problem is in some way related to something the host server resets daily but I have no idea what, nor how to find a solution.

    I have searched a variety of forums etc. but have yet to find anything even close to this problem so I remain totally baffled.

    All help or advice in resolving this issue will be very much appreciated.

    Kind regards


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  • gaurabmani


    Eric as you have mentioned that the blog is suddenly down after some time after resetting up… i suggest you to check for the file permission.

    Yo can refer to the file permission required for the wordpress installation from the www.remarpro.com itself.

    It can happen sometime that the file permission for the files are being reset by the server and the file aren’t able to be read by the server and may cause the issue.

    Thread Starter KiwEric


    Thanks for your suggestion gaurabmani, I have checked permissions on all files and folders and ensured that folders are set to 755 & files to 644.

    This appears to have made no difference. i.e. After a few hours the Add-on domain itself gives a 404 error when called (subsequently the blog itself does likewise).

    Immediately after the first attempt to load the site and getting the 404 error I accessed the site via my ftp program and rechecked the permissions for both files and folders. They remain unchanged at folders 755 and files 644, at this stage I once again deactivated the blog by renaming the folder but the add-on domain itself still gives a 404 error. I checked pretty much hourly before going to bed for the night and still kept getting 404 error. The following morning for the first couple of hours I was still getting a 404 but midway through my morning (around 11:00 am) the add-on domain site started to load correctly. Given the fact that I am located in the southern hemisphere and I suspect the server is likely to be somewhere in the northern hemisphere, it seems logical to me that the server is resetting at or soon after midnight and with the blog deactivated the add-on domain begins to function correctly again following the server reset.

    Hence I am no closer to resolution at this stage.

    Any other suggestions please ?



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