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  • @sandeep1414,
    the earlier replies have given you already a lot of answers.
    imho you would get more detailed replies if you would show what you have tried yourself, instead of repeating the same question over and over.
    @piyashrija4488 has practically given you the code.
    @baszer has told you where to put that code.
    @mindblender 3D has given you a link to a very good documentation which explains a lot.

    this forum is about giving you helping pointers to information that will enable you to do the final programing yourself, and helping you to learn to find information yourself – it is not about giving you a ‘copy/paste’ solution to modify your theme.

    make backup copies before editing theme files

    from the information given in the above replies you could have put this code together:

    <div id="navigation">
       <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    to be put into header.php, exactly before this line:
    <div id="wrapper">

    the styles to make it stick to the top, are as follows, and you could add them to style.css:

    body {padding-top:30px;}
    #navigation {position:fixed; width:100%; margin-top:-30px; background:#999; z-index:1000; }
    #navigation ul {height:30px; width:950px; margin:0 auto; display:block; }
    #navigation li {display:inline; float:left; margin: 7px 20px 0 0; font-size:130%; }

    and you probably want to remove the existing menu:
    try and add #mainmenu ul { display:none; } to style.css, after the existing style of #mainmenu ul {}

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @alchymyth Bro this is my code of header.php

    and check my site .. it is not showing like

    and also no home page in page navigation..

    i want navigation like that of my other site

    its header.php coding is

    plz help to copy that coding which can design same page navigation..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    The color of page navigation is grey, i want it to be blue and home in navigation is missing and it always show even when i am scrolling….

    i want some highlight when mouse is hover on page nav rather than underline…. i want it to be more thin ..

    to get the home link into the menu, replace the code a suggested earlier with this:

    <div id="navigation">
    if (is_front_page()) { $highlight = "page_item  current_page_item"; } else {$highlight = "page_item"; } ;
    echo '<li class="'. $highlight. '"><a href="'; bloginfo('url'); echo '">Home</a></li>';

    to get the menu exactly the same as in your other website, look into the code of both sites (probably header.php and style.css), compare the two codes, and see how it is done in the .com site.
    then do the same for the site.


    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @alchymyth help with the issue of navigation being displayed even if page is scrolled to bottom..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Here is the coding of style.css of to copy the navigation to site

    and below is code of styyle.css of

    you must coding on u’r css and javacript too..
    you can dowload the css in here for free…

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    I am very new to php.. so plz help me with coding….

    yuo can donwload from my link given..

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Can u give me the proper code to insert at proper line….

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    @ rochsid u are telling about drop down menu of category navigation but I want to design menu for page navigation..

    sandeep.. it’s same case, you just differentiate to call the menu from wordpress, if u want to design menu of category u call with this code:
    <?php wp_list_categories(); ?>
    but if u design menu of pages, u need:
    <?php get_pages(); ?>
    have u download from my link given?

    Thread Starter sandeep1414


    Plz help guys.. give me exact solution..

    sandeep1414: If you really, really, can’t figure this out from the information given, you might need to hire some professional help. Search for the “wp-pro” mailing list. You could ask for paid help there.

    Then again, you could find someone to work directly on your site for free…
    but I wouldn’t count on it.

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