• Dear all,

    Currently I am setting up a new Blog with WP v2.0.1 using the 3 Column Relaxation Theme v2.0.2beta by Clemens Orth. See https://EddieCastelli.com/duneblogNew/index.php

    At this period of WPsetup I am working to optimize any thing with Categories. Now I jump right into my small problem. Blogroll are a nice feature that I like to use. But I saw the need to make some small adjustments. I have a Link Category added (ownLinks, ID=2). Added to this “parent” I have the Child by the name of “myPhotoblog” where I added the Link to my own Photoblog. This links must always be displayed on top of all other Blogrolls. As an
    ignorant person in PHP I still managed to do this and it displays nicely. But now I have this Blogroll ID with
    it’s content 2x on the List. When I set “invisible” to ON then I don’t see it at all. Of course this is logic as it still runs through the links.php (in wp-includes). BTW – I do tend to not change anything in WP Templates and/or other files from WP. My change I have done to display ID=2 on the top of all Blogrolls was in the file blogroll.php of my Theme folder. The content of this file is rather simple:

    <h2><?php _e('personal Links'); ?></h2>

    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    I then only added this:

    <h2><?php _e('personal Links'); ?></h2>

    <?php get_links('2', '
    <li>', '</li>
    ', '<br />', FALSE, 'id', TRUE, TRUE, -1, TRUE); ?><br />
    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    If I now want to “exclude ID=2” from being displayed again somewhere else, I then (probably) have to add such a request in the links.php file somewhere in the “function get_links_list()”. I do not know sufficient what function and/or command and/or where to put it.

    Anyone can help on this? Many thanks.


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  • Thread Starter duneblog


    Just want to remind of my Help requesr …
    Thanks for looking into it.


    I think I understand what you are asking, however I have a few questions. Do you need a seperate section and heading fo your own link? If you do, I think you can play with the category ids so that your section is displayed first by get_links_list(). If not, set the id of your link to be first and tell blogroll to be displayed by link id.

    Thread Starter duneblog


    @ryoken: thanks for your time. No I do not need a seperate section. Just as it is on my Sample (see link above). Within Blogroll I want to have “DunePhotBlog” on top BUT excluded from the lower Blogroll part. This means: in the file ‘blogroll.php’ of my Theme I added ‘get_links(…)’ to have the ID=2 displayed on top (works nicely). Now I need to exclude this ID=2 in the file ‘links.php’ (the function: get_links_list – at the bottom).

    This is what I am now looking for –> How to exclude the ID=2 to be displayed again?

    But maybe there is an other way or even a Plugin I have not seeing …

    Many thanks DuneBlog

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