• Hey there,

    So I will be upfront right away that I have very little to no experience in coding especially with WordPress. However, I was wondering if anyone could be of help with a project I am working on.

    To give a bit of back story- I live in Chicago, work as a photographer and recently went to all 77 neighborhoods of Chicago to take photos of people from every neighborhood.

    Now, on a certain page on my website: https://mikegugliuzza.com/chicagomap/ I would like to somehow organize and showcase the entire project.

    I have made a map of Chicago using Illustrator and linked it to this plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/mapsvg-interactive-vector-maps-and-floorplans/2547255

    Currently and at default whenever a neighborhood is clicked on it will bring the user to a different page on the website, however, I would prefer that the act of clicking on a neighborhood would trigger some kind of photo frame/ lightbox on the same page as the map to display the image.

    I’m assuming because the plugin has a section for custom coding within each individual region (Example of layout: https://tinypic.com/r/13zzux3/8) there could be a simple html code for a click to command an action on another plugin found on the page- though because I have no wordpress experience, I am not even sure what to google to find such a code or plugin.

    I would definitely appreciate any help or suggestions.

    Thanks very much!

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  • Hello,
    You already use any particular plug-in to create a lightbox gallery?
    We have created a lot of different interactive maps for WordPress and probably could help you.
    We can create any map you like. Your map will be as a WordPress plugin and we can help you with installation and customization.
    Thank you!

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