• Hello I need some help modifying some code. I have this simple plug-in that allows me to have a list of catagories on a page using the <!–fcat–> in particular page I want the list to appear on. I would like to put some test before the list of catagories but the way it is structured now the text comes after the list. Can someone modify the code bellow so the test apears before list?

    Thank You

    function fcat_wp_head(){

    <style type=”text/css”>
    ul.fcat li{
    ul.fcat li a{

    function fcat_the_content($content){
    return $content;
    $fcat .= wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0&exclude=1,24’);
    $fcat .= “<ul class=’fcat’>”;
    $fcat .= “”;
    return preg_replace(“|<!–fcat–>|”, $fcat, $content);

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