Hello @nepalpyramids
Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to assist you with this.
The optimal W3 Total Cache configuration takes into account a number of factors: your theme, your plugins, and the technologies available on the server. Since everyone’s site and traffic and theme are different, there is no one size fits all solution.
WPO best practices have to be modified for WordPress because of how the application operates. The number of counter-intuitive realities could fill a small book.
This means that the best configuration for your site might not involve enabling minify, database caching, and other things that you might expect. As a matter of fact, it can actually hurt performance by implementing features for the wrong situation.
This being said, can you please share what are the simplest default settings you enabled in the W3 Total Cache settings and what are the exact issues you are experiencing (what actually breaks and on which part f the page/pages) so I can assist you with this?