• I am very wet behind the ears when it comes to adding plugins and widgits. All I would like to do is to add a calendar and the widgets program. I have looked through the information given and I am sorry but it’s greek to me. How do I add these things to my wordpress files if it sends it to my computers file. Maybe I’m just missing a huge step but I really don’t have a clue as to how to accomplish these two things. Can someone please assist me with this matter?

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  • Where is your blog?

    Thread Starter outloudf


    My blog is a link on my website: https://www.outloudforjesus.com.

    outloud: i find your site encouraging. thanks for your boldness.

    in regards to plugins for your site, it should be as simple as downloading your desired plugin, unzipping the packet, uploading the packet to the plugins folder under admin content, log in to the admin panel and activat plugin …

    but, now, certain plugins like the “suscribe” can be a little tricky especially if you want to add it to a page like i have done with https://www.administry.org.

    i am will be more than willing to help you out, as i am sure anyone else here will likewise.

    just let us know what plugin you are wanting to us and where on your site and maybe we can coach you through the process.

    DesignPastor – Phil. 4:20

    Thread Starter outloudf


    Thank you Design Pastor for your positive words.

    Just a few questions for you. When I click download, where am I downloading the info. When you say unzip the packet, forgive me for being so clueless but how? How do I upload the file to the plugins folder. As a matter of fact where is the plugins folder? I see the tab for plugins but, a folder I do not see. Now the last step I sort of understand. So if you don’t mind can you please help me out? I really would appreciate it.

    okay …

    you are more than welcome first …

    okay .. download the plugin from the site you have found it one .. maybe like wp-plugins.net .. or some other site that has the plugin you want to use ..

    most likely this will be in a .ZIP format ..

    unzip to your compuer .. i suggest your desktop since this is the easiest place to find it …

    login to your site via FTP … usually through a FTP client like SMARTFTP or CUTEFTP … this will list the “guts” to your site …

    if your wordpress is at yourdomain.com then you should see a folder named wp-content .. otherwise you will need to loate the wordpress folder ..

    once under wp-content .. you should see “plugins” …

    from there … upload the folder on your desktop that you unzipped to the plugins folder on your site …

    ** most plugins come with instructions – FOLLOW THEM as I am unaware of the plugin you are wanting to install **

    login to the wordpress via the login.php … and then go under Plugins and “ACTIVATE”

    i think i have covered it pretty good .. sorry if i mispelled something or oerlooked a step ..

    i will help you through it ..


    Adding the widgets program is pretty intensive for a newbie as I’m finding out when some of my clients try it. :>)
    Be sure and read the docs carefully and follow it step by step.
    Also, some plugins are just a .php file and don’t require the folder to be uploaded.

    I looked at your site – good job so far. I like the layout a lot. One thing – the javascript thing came up on my anti-virus. Any idea why?

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