• hey everyone, new here so i dont know if this is the correct place to post this. Feel free to move.

    Anyway, i own this website…im just developing it, however when ever a member creates a post it becomes the homepage until a new post is made. I would like a place where users can find all posts so i made it here..i only have 8 posts as i am just developing the site so i placed each post there manually however i would like a code to automatically place the title of each post on the about page..

    Any one interested please post here, also i am new to phpfreaks and only joined to solve this problem so i dont really know the going rate for coding jobs, however $5.03 is all that is in my paypal so i figured this would be the amount i can offer


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  • Thread Starter godlike101


    Here is the code to submit a post

    <!– Form 1 start –>
    <!– form start –>
    <form method=”post” action=”https://onlydollars.com/wp-content/plugins/tdo-mini-forms/tdomf-form-post.php&#8221; id=’tdomf_form1′ name=’tdomf_form1′ class=’tdomf_form’ >
    <div><input type=’hidden’ id=’tdomf_form_id’ name=’tdomf_form_id’ value=’1′ /></div>
    <div><input type=’hidden’ id=’redirect’ name=’redirect’ value=’%%FORMURL%%’ /></div>
    <!– widgets start –>
    <!– content start –>
    <label for=”content_title” class=”required”>Post Title (Required):

    <input type=”text” name=”content_title” id=”content_title” size=”30″ value=”<?php echo htmlentities($content_title,ENT_QUOTES,get_bloginfo(‘charset’)); ?>” />

    <label for=”content_content” class=”required”>Post Text (Required):

    <small>Allowable Tags: <p><b><u><img><table><tr><td>

    1. <sup></small>

      <textarea title=”Post Content” rows=”10″ cols=”40″ name=”content_content” id=”content_content” ><?php echo $content_content; ?></textarea>

    <!– content end –>
    <!– autorespondemail start –>
    <?php if(tdomf_widget_autorespondemail_show_email_input(%%FORMID%%)) { ?>
    <?php if(isset($_COOKIE[‘tdomf_autorespond_widget_email’])) { $autorespondemail_email = $_COOKIE[‘tdomf_autorespond_widget_email’]; } ?>

    <label for=’autorespondemail_email’>Email for notification: <input type=”text” value=”<?php echo htmlentities($autorespondemail_email,ENT_QUOTES); ?>” name=”autorespondemail_email” id=”autorespondemail_email” size=”40″ /></label>
    <?php } ?>

    <!– autorespondemail end –>
    <!– imagecaptcha start –>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function new_freecap_1()
    // loads new freeCap image
    // extract image name from image source (i.e. cut off ?randomness)
    thesrc = document.getElementById(“freecap_1”).src;
    // add ?(random) to prevent browser/isp caching
    document.getElementById(“freecap_1″).src = thesrc+”?”+Math.round(Math.random()*100000);
    } else {
    alert(“Sorry, cannot autoreload freeCap image\nSubmit the form and a new freeCap will be loaded”);
    <img src=’https://onlydollars.com/wp-content/plugins/tdo-mini-forms/widgets/freecap/freecap_tdomf.php?tdomf_form_id=1&#8242; id=’freecap_1′ alt=” />

    <small>If you can’t read the word in the image, click here</small>

    <label for=”imagecaptcha_1″ class=”required” >
    What is the word in the image?

    <input type=”text” id=”imagecaptcha_1″ name=”imagecaptcha_1″ size=”30″ value=”” />
    <!– imagecaptcha end –>
    <!– widgets end –>
    <!– form buttons start –>
    <table class=’tdomf_buttons’><tr>
    <td><input type=”submit” value=”Preview” name=”tdomf_form1_preview” id=”tdomf_form1_preview” onclick=”tdomfSubmit1(‘preview’); return false;” /></td>
    <td><input type=”submit” value=”Send” name=”tdomf_form1_send” id=”tdomf_form1_send” onclick=”tdomfSubmit1(‘post’); return false;” /></td>
    <!– form buttons end –>
    <!– form end –>
    <!– Form 1 end –>

    Thread Starter godlike101


    Heres the code for the page where i want the post title’s to be listed

    <table border=”3″>
    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>Ebay Resale</span></h3>
    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>Online Poker Scam</span></h3>
    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>Easy $$$ from Craigslist</span></h3>
    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>The Domain Scam</span></h3>
    <h3><span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Easy $400/month

    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>Email Marketing Tips</span></h3>

    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>$$$ From Websites</span></h3>

    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”>$200/day Affiliate</span></h3>


    Perhaps you want to have a look at this plugin. It will make a page with an alphabetical list of post titles.

    Thread Starter godlike101


    i spent like 1 week trying to solve this problem, it has been driving me crazy and with like 2 clicks you fixed it, thanks m8 ??

    Bingo, it helps

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