• shabarshin


    Help mee please. I dont know what is it((


    Warning: Missing argument 1 for query_rasp(), called in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/courses.php on line 59 and defined in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/functions.php on line 145

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for query_rasp(), called in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/courses.php on line 59 and defined in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/functions.php on line 145

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for query_rasp(), called in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/courses.php on line 59 and defined in /home/bh58071/public_html/eva.academy/wp-content/themes/evatheme/functions.php on line 145

    Thank so much for your help!

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Please pick useful topic titles
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  • ImanGM



    It seems to be an issue in your theme. You may contact the theme author and ask them to help you on it.


    Thread Starter shabarshin


    Thank you so much! But its not a WP default theme and the programmer who did it now is not available. But the most interesting is that such a bug was not until the moment while I did something with Tilda.cc on other pages of the site(



    Good morning @shabarshin
    I realize this is 90 minutes after your last post, but is it possible to undo whatever you did with Tilda? The error is telling you that it is looking for information from the courses.php file and not finding them. Are you in the process of updating your courses file and inadvertently changed the formatting?


    Thread Starter shabarshin


    Thank you!!!) I only create other pages on Tilda (just like that eva.academy/course/intensiv-dlya-analitikov-i-startapov/ and dont change page /courses(((( And I dont know what to do because Im not a programer. But I find the template courses.php and dont find any mistakes in this code:

    /* Template Name: courses */

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var ajaxurl = ‘<?php echo admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’); ?>’;

    <div class=”super product”>
    <h1 class=”title-product-cn” ><?php the_field(‘po_title’); ?></h1>
    <div class=”sub-nav”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘sub-nav’ ); ?>

    $labels = get_terms( array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘profession’,
    ‘hide_empty’ => false)

    $eot_c .= ‘<div class=”sub-cat-nav profession”><div class=”item-scn”>Все</div>‘;
    foreach($labels as $label){
    $eot_c .= ‘slug.'”><div class=”item-scn”>’.$label->name.'</div>‘;
    echo $eot_c .= ‘</div>’;

    $cities = get_terms( array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘course_city’,
    ‘hide_empty’ => false)

    echo ‘<div class=”sub-cat-nav course_format”>’;
    echo ‘<span>Город: <select class=”course_city”><option value=””>Все</option>’;
    foreach($cities as $city){
    echo ‘<option value=’.$city->slug.’>’.$city->name.'</option>’;
    echo ‘</select></span><div class=”vline”></div>’;

    $formats = get_terms( array(
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘course_format’,
    ‘hide_empty’ => false)
    $eot_f = ”;
    foreach($formats as $format){
    $eot_f .= ‘slug.'”><div class=”item-scn”>’.$format->name.'</div>‘;
    echo $eot_f .= ‘<div class=”item-scn”>Все</div></div>’;


    <div class=”tab-cn”>
    <div class=”all-rasp tab-item”>
    echo query_rasp();


    <?php get_footer(); ?>

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