• Hi, im trying to modify the output of Kalins PDF Creation Plugin. Heres the current code I wanted to edit:

    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    define("KALINS_PDF_DIR", $uploads['basedir'] .'/kalins-pdf/');//base location of PDF files
    define("KALINS_PDF_SINGLES_DIR", KALINS_PDF_DIR .'singles/');//location to save individual page/post PDF files
    define("KALINS_PDF_URL", $uploads['baseurl'] .'/kalins-pdf/');//the url string will be different from the directory so be careful
    define("KALINS_PDF_SINGLES_URL", KALINS_PDF_URL .'singles/');
    define("KALINS_PDF_DIR", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/pdf/');//base location of PDF files
    define("KALINS_PDF_SINGLES_DIR", KALINS_PDF_DIR);//location to save individual page/post PDF files
    define("KALINS_PDF_URL", "https://" .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/pdf/');
    define("KALINS_PDF_SINGLES_URL", KALINS_PDF_URL);//this will put all PDFs in the same folder

    This setting saves the output file under

    And displays a URL

    What I am trying to do is save the output file under
    “/public_html/get-pdf” (the folder is created and chmod 777)

    And I want to show relevant URL. Thanks in advance.

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