• Hey everyone,

    I am trying to get my wordpress blog to have the facebook connect feature using RPXnow.com (currently janrain.com). In the sample code generator, it instructed me to put the following code before the </body> tag. (i put it just below the footer where the body tag ends.

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var rpxJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://&#8221; : “https://static.&#8221;);
    document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + rpxJsHost +
    “rpxnow.com/js/lib/rpx.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    RPXNOW.overlay = true;
    RPXNOW.language_preference = ‘en’;

    It next generated the code to put on each of my pages to display the button.

    <a class=”rpxnow” onclick=”return false;”
    href=”https://harlaninstitute.rpxnow.com/openid/v2/signin?token_url=http%3A%2F%2Fharlaninstitute.org%2Fhome”&gt; Sign In

    I put the above code on the HTML visual editor side of the wordpress blog.

    Next it displayed me the following page:————–

    Users are redirected to the token URL you specified in the previous step.

    Pass the token to the Janrain API to get the authentication information.
    Your token URL implementation should do the following:

    * 1) Extract the token parameter from the POST data.
    * 2) Use the token to make the auth_info API call:
    URL: https://rpxnow.com/api/v2/auth_info

    The token value you extracted above

    * 3) Parse the response and extract the identifier. Here’s a sample JSON response:

    ‘stat’: ‘ok’,
    ‘profile’: {
    ‘identifier’: ‘https://user.myopenid.com/&#8217;,
    ’email’: ‘[email protected]’,
    ‘preferredUsername’: ‘Joe User’

    This is where i am lost, as i have minimal experience in coding outside of C++ (and have only had one class going up to arrays). Any advice as to how to set this up would be greatly appreciated.

    The wordpress im trying to integrate is https://harlaninstitute.org/home/


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  • Thread Starter stevepsu65



    Hey this is offered as a plugin for WordPress ??



    Hello every body !
    1)I installed the Janrain-engage plugin .But not showing-up on pages.How to set it?

    2)As Janrain-engage allows just 6 networks to add. I want to add the openid connect,facebook connect, twitter connect,linkedin connect plugins Independently from Janrain-engage .

    So I tried “OpenID Provider for WordPress MU ” .But I can view it only under settings–>openid .But how does it appear on sign up and sign in pages?
    SFC(simple face book connect ) plugin is having error .

    Thank you !

    1)I installed the Janrain-engage plugin .But not showing-up on pages.How to set it?

    It is okay now .It is appearing on my main page.But not appear in other blogs for multisite.

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