• Hi gurus,

    Something has seriously gone wrong with my blog https://mrdefinite.com.

    When you click on individual links (for example https://mrdefinite.com/?p=1544), multiple posts will show up. This is the same with all other links.

    I’ve tried disabling many plugins that I think could possibly cause this but to no avail.

    It worked fine just a few days ago, but today it seems to have gone crazy, no changes to templates, no nothing…

    Please help me out, I can’t afford to start all over again..

    Thanks a lot!

    Kenneth Lee

    p/s: The problem is especially obvious in IE, it works ok on my firefox. Sometimes it even forces IE to abort operation. ?? Please help me…

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  • Does switching back to the default template help. If it does try uploading a fresh copy of your current template.

    Thread Starter kenspear


    jeremyclark13, I have tried but the problem still exists ??

    I’m having this exact same problem. I’ve been working on a new theme, and uploaded it this afternoon.

    About a half hour later, the same problem described in the first post started. I’ve deleted the new theme and switched back to the the default one, and the problem persists. Everything appears to be working fine within the admin panel. Additionally, none of the “Pages” load correctly. Clicking on “about,” for example, loads a page with multiple posts.

    kenspear, have you been able to figure out the problem?

    Thread Starter kenspear


    Unfortunately not yet ?? Now I don’t know what to do already..

    I just experienced this confusing issue. I have two identical wordpress blogs with the same code and themes on different domains.

    One domain had the problem where displaying a single post actually displayed all posts.

    I inserted some debug code in wp-include/query.php to monitor the have_post() loop and the SQL request built into $this->request.

    From that I noticed that the domain with the problem was using the default sidebar widgets which include the “Recent entries” widget.

    On the domain without the problem I had configured the sidebar widgets myself. It uses the “Recent Posts” widget.

    The HTML source code generated by the two looks different; DOM IDs and CSS class differences.

    Anyhow, I fixed it by configuring custom widgets on the problem domain including using the “Recent Posts” widget.

    It looks like, when using the default widgets, the value of $this->posts (a count of posts) is set to the number of posts found by the SQL query issued by the default “Recent Entries” widget, whereas when using the “Recent Posts” widget $this->posts = 1.

    That value causes the have_posts() function to loop over multiple posts even in the theme’s “Single Posts” template.

    Are you manually editing the widgets or changing them within the admin panel? I’ve tried the “recent posts” widget, but the problem remains.

    I’m simply dragging and dropping them in Presentation > Widgets. The theme has two sidebars and I’ve got “Recent Posts” in the left sidebar.

    hm, still having the problem after moving around widgets



    anyone else having this problem? I reinstalled wordpress and it didn’t seem to fix anything. I’m really stumped as to what the root of the problem might be. Thanks.

    Here’s the site: https://quietcolor.com/wp/



    I’m not sure if this is related or not, but my site:


    is showing a huge number of posts instead of the 10 blog entries and 10 syndication posts, which is supposed to be the configuration on how that works. This is causing the site to take anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds to load, and it’s a serious problem. If anyone knows exactly where in the code I can make a modification without messing up everything else, let me know. I can probably figure out what the query should look like, but how do we get the query for recent posts to be unique from any other query that uses $this->posts ? I’m willing to call anywhere in the USA for the answer (I have unlimited long distance).

    (aka sgmunson)

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