• Hi everyone this is my first post so please don’t shout at me if I do not give the right information!

    My site https://www.foodandfancies.co.uk

    I am using the morning after theme from Woo.

    I love this theme but when I want to insert images into a post and have them align the way I want them to, they all stick left and put the text all out of joint. I now have posts that can’t go up becuase of this problem.

    Prior research has shown me that I need to delete a (p img float; left) or something like that in the compressed CSS file.

    I cannot find this file only the style.css sheet

    (I am a reletive newbie at CSS and just taught from online tutorials :S)

    Please help me how to fix this I’m tearing my hair out. Many thanks in advance…

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