I’m using this code for my header in the Autofocus Theme… I can I make the menu width span 100%. If I add code width: 100%; it changes from horizontal navigation to vertical but the width is 100%. Is there a better code? I tried the code above and the navigation is still vertical.
/* =header */
#header {margin: 5px 0;text-transform: none;width: 800px;clear: none;display: block;float: left;}
#header a:hover {text-decoration:none;color:#888;}
#header h1 a {font-size:.01em;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:-0.05em;position:relative;}
#header #blog-description {color:#888;display:none;}
#access {vertical-align:middle;padding: 0 0 10px 0;}
/* #access {display:table;height:160px;horizontal-align:middle;width:200px;float:right;} */
#access #menu {vertical-align:middle;display:inline;font-size:1.2em;}
#access #menu ul {vertical-align:inline;display:block;background-color:#cccbcb;}
/* I changed the menu button background colour here */
#access #menu ul li {float: left;background-color:#71160f; z-index=1;}
#access #menu ul li a{margin-left:10px;font-weight: bold;display: block;padding: 0 10px;}
#access #menu a{font-weight:600;}