I have agonized about whether to restore my website from backup (not 100% reliable according to support) or to try and fix the problem. After about 20 hours of studying about stylesheets and searching the net I have finally fixed the problem by changing the colour of the bubble or tooltip background. On the WordPress menu, went to Appearance -> Editor. I deleted the old gce code that was there. The I put in the following:
/* Tooltip background colour */
.qtip-content {
background: #1e73be;
Note: I made a clone of my website and tried it out first.
Now I can at least read what’s in the bubble (tooltip). The bubbles look fine, but the calendar still looks crappy in grid view. The font for the event is small and the font colour is dull, and the colour of the day headings does not suit our website theme in either dark or light, but at least it’s somewhat readable. Have no idea how to fix this and I’m too exhausted to try.
If you are looking at this post trying to decide whether to update to this version, my advice is DON’T DO IT unless you are an expert web programmer and are getting paid.