• Help please. I’m new to WordPress. What I’d like to do is to display some text like this on my single post page:

    “You are reading post number X of Y in this category”

    where “X” is the number of the current post and “Y” is the total number of posts in the current category. I haven’t been able to find a plug-in to help with this.

    Any advice/help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • I too would like to know … even if it’s not possible, at least telling us this would save us time from looking online for it (which I’ve wasted days doing now).

    i think what you are actually looking for is a pagination plugin. because what you are saying is actually like saying “page 3/5”.

    so look for pagination plugin, and stick it to your categories template(s).

    good luck!


    Hi snetman,

    I’ve just posted something that may get your ‘Y’ (total number of posts for a single category). It’s at


    (To get your ‘X’ (ordinal for a single post within its category) you may improve the function querying the mySQL DB for the position of the required post in a list of posts ordered by date.)

    Have a good day,

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