• I’ve successfully used your great plugin for some time now (thanks!), and am having an indecipherable problem with one particular use of the data variable.

    For some reason it not only does not return the desired data, but also breaks the rest of the Hungryfeed output… only the style and javascript information is output even when there are other items (such as “<div>{{description}}</div>”) in the custom template.

    I have written:


    to access data in the feed https://feed.zazzle.com/visualtroubadour/rss.

    The array output is:

        [data] =>
        [attribs] => Array
        [xml_base] =>
        [xml_base_explicit] =>
        [xml_lang] =>
        [child] => Array
                [] => Array
                        [guid] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                                [] => Array
                                                        [isPermaLink] => false
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [pubDate] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:02:52 GMT
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [title] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [link] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [author] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => VisualTroubadour
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [description] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => 
    <div id="page_zWidget0" class="aIrL u7fO u7fO-Grid aIrL-152 u7fO-152 clearfix">
    	<div id="page_zWidget0-main" class="aIrL-main u7fO-main">
    		<div  class="aIrL-realview u7fO-realview clearfix">
    			<a href="https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145" id="page_zWidget0-imageLink" class="aIrL-realviewLink u7fO-realviewLink">
    					<img id="page_zWidget0-preview" src="https://rlv.zcache.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-r72d8e07c7aea440b9cec0be6217b53c2_xvuat_8byvr_152.jpg" alt="Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards" title="Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards" class="aIrL-realviewImage" />
    		<div class="aIrL-info u7fO-info clearfix " id="page_zWidget0-info">
    			<div class=""><a href="https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145" id="page_zWidget0-titleLink" class="u7fO-titleLink" title="Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards">Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards</a></div>
    			<div class="u7fO-price" id="page_zWidget0-price">$3.50</div>
    		<span class="u7fO-byLine">by <a href="javascript://" id="page_zWidget0-storeLink">VisualTroubadour</a></span>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [price] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => $3.50
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                [https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/] => Array
                        [title] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [description] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => Original Art by Jodi Cox
    <br /><br />
    <u>Greeting Card</u>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [price] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => $3.50
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [thumbnail] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] =>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                                [] => Array
                                                        [url] => https://rlv.zcache.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-r72d8e07c7aea440b9cec0be6217b53c2_xvuat_8byvr_152.jpg
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [content] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] =>
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                                [] => Array
                                                        [url] => https://rlv.zcache.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-r72d8e07c7aea440b9cec0be6217b53c2_xvuat_8byvr_500.jpg
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [keywords] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => minneapolis, minnesota, card, greeting, tourist, mississippi, river, watercolor, ink, watercolour, art
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
                        [rating] => Array
                                [0] => Array
                                        [data] => g
                                        [attribs] => Array
                                                [] => Array
                                                        [scheme] => urn:mpaa
                                        [xml_base] =>
                                        [xml_base_explicit] =>
                                        [xml_lang] =>
        [date] => Array
                [raw] => Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:02:52 GMT
                [parsed] => 1389585772
        [title] => Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA Cards
        [enclosures] => Array
                [0] => SimplePie_Enclosure Object
                        [bitrate] =>
                        [captions] =>
                        [categories] =>
                        [channels] =>
                        [copyright] =>
                        [credits] =>
                        [description] => Original Art by Jodi Cox
    <br /><br />
    <u>Greeting Card</u>
                        [duration] =>
                        [expression] =>
                        [framerate] =>
                        [handler] =>
                        [hashes] =>
                        [height] =>
                        [javascript] =>
                        [keywords] => Array
                                [0] => minneapolis
                                [1] => minnesota
                                [2] => card
                                [3] => greeting
                                [4] => tourist
                                [5] => mississippi
                                [6] => river
                                [7] => watercolor
                                [8] => ink
                                [9] => watercolour
                                [10] => art
                        [lang] =>
                        [length] =>
                        [link] => https://rlv.zcache.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-r72d8e07c7aea440b9cec0be6217b53c2_xvuat_8byvr_500.jpg
                        [medium] =>
                        [player] =>
                        [ratings] => Array
                                [0] => SimplePie_Rating Object
                                        [scheme] => urn:mpaa
                                        [value] => g
                        [restrictions] => Array
                                [0] => SimplePie_Restriction Object
                                        [relationship] => allow
                                        [type] =>
                                        [value] => default
                        [samplingrate] =>
                        [thumbnails] => Array
                                [0] => https://rlv.zcache.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-r72d8e07c7aea440b9cec0be6217b53c2_xvuat_8byvr_152.jpg
                        [title] => Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis Minnesota USA
                        [type] =>
                        [width] =>
        [links] => Array
                [alternate] => Array
                        [0] => https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145
                [https://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/alternate] => Array
                        [0] => https://www.zazzle.com/saint_anthony_main_minneapolis_minnesota_usa_cards-137766725289944227?rf=238380390171085145

    Any hints would be SO welcome!


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  • Plugin Contributor Jason


    Hmm that looks right to me. The data array can sometimes be a little finicky. Do you know in all cases that you have 11 keywords? That’s the only thing I can think of is that it hits an item without that many keywords and is causing something to glitch out.

    Thread Starter jodiacox


    Hi Jason, Thanks for looking at this.

    I tested with {{data[enclosures][0][keywords][0]}} instead as there are at least 9 keywords in each and got the same results. (I will watch for possible errors with that in future though.)

    I then systematically tested every piece of data within the array. o_O

    I found that while the majority of options gave the same error (Not displaying anything in the custom template), the items which contain a url in the name output nothing, but allow the rest of the template to be displayed.

    eg: {{data[child][https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/][title][0][data][][isPermaLink]}}

    Hopefully that explanation makes sense to you and a brilliant stroke of pure genius alights from your brain after reading it. ?? I find I don’t know the right words to use in some cases, being the amateur I am.

    Plugin Contributor Jason


    Hmm, maybe there is some escaping or quotes necessary like:





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