HELP! can't generate SITEMAP XML file. tried multiple plugins.
I’ve tried 3 different plugins that claim to generate sitemap.xml files, and I cannot for the life of me get any one of them to work! What am I missing??? Here’s what I’ve tried:
[ Moderator note: links fixed. Do not use
here, it doesn’t work. ] XML Sitemaps WordPress Google XML Sitemaps SEO by Yoast[
All of ’em seem to install and configure fine, and none report any errors, but try as I might I haven’t gotten ANY of ’em to successfully generate anything resembling a sitemap.xml file anywhere on my site!! Closest I came was with BWP Google XML Sitemaps, which, like the others, didn’t generate a single file (that I could find using FileZilla) anywhere on my site, but it did show a link to a file that it SAID was at the path, and somehow, even though according to FileZilla that file did NOT exist at that location, I was able to right-click/save-file from the BWP GXS settings page in my wp-admin panel. Score, right? Nope: that file doesn’t contain a complete sitemap; just references to other files (site.xml, post.xml, page.xml, etc) that I can’t find anywhere on my site! What gives?? How the heck can I generate a working sitemap xml file??? Google is not finding my site at all, and it’s getting very frustrating! Am I even barking up the right tree here?
Some details that I suspect might be relevant:
I have a new(ish) DreamHost fully hosted domain] where I’ve set up a web page using a one-click install of WordPress in a subdirectory ( I then re-mapped my WordPress site address to the domain’s root url using the following instructions:
Codex: Giving WordPress Its Own Directory
(per “Using a pre-existing subdirectory install” section) forum: Can I have WordPress in a WP directory, but my blog’s main page in root?
(per Post #6 from Ryo-ohki)I did all this over the past couple weeks. For a long time, Google searches for “poleclinometer” (a word that didn’t exist until I created my site) were finding the domain] as the very first hit, but Google’s cache always showed DreamHost’s default “coming soon” page even after I had re-mapped my WP site to the root url. I kept waiting for Google to “find” my real site, but it never happened, and now Google searches for “poleclinometer” don’t find my website at all even though my website is the only place that word exists as far as I know (other than a couple forum posts).
So it was in an attempt to address this issue that I started trying to get a sitemap xml file in place, starting by following advice from this page:
speckyboy: Using the Power of the .htaccess File to Improve WordPress SEOSeems simple enough, right? Why am I having so much trouble, even after trying 3 different options for plugin to generate my sitemap xml file? I must be missing something blatantly obvious to anyone but me, right? Or are the problems stemming from the fact that I’ve installed WP in a subdirectory and re-mapped my site address to the domain’s root url? I’m really hoping somebody can help with this, because I seem to be really stuck after beating my head against this issue for the past few days. Thanks for reading this far! ??
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