Help Adding SpellCheck Button to TinyMCE
I’ve been going back and forth about this on different thread, and I’m hoping that taking it to its own thread will yield more answers.
I should caveat all of this by saying that I am not a programmer or a developer. I’m a writer who happens not to be a great speller/typist. I know more than enough HTML to do my own coding, as I work with it every day. But when it comes to my blog I’m lazy. I’d much rather write with out having to do much coding. In fact, I’d rather not see the coding unless I want to. That said, I’ll explain my dilemma in as much detail as possible while letting a little of my frustration seep through as possible.
Since I upgraded to 2.0 (which I’m mostly happy with, BTW) I’ve been trying to figure out how to add spellcheck to the built-in WYSIWYG. I’ve tried various solutions, and none have worked well, so I decided to try adding the iespell plugin for TinyMCE. I downloaded the editor and uploaded the plugin to the wp-includes/js/tinymce directory.
I then uploaded and activated an advanced editing plugin for 2.0. After several hours of tweaking, I now have an array of features in the WYSIWYG, neatly arranged in three rows.
There’s one thing missing, however. The spellcheck button for iespell. It’s not there. I’ve uploaded the plugin to the correct place, etc. I’ve edited the Worpdress plugin to include the button for iespell. Here’s what I’ve got in the plugin.
if (isset($wp_version)) {
add_filter("mce_plugins", "extended_editor_mce_plugins", 0);
add_filter("mce_buttons", "extended_editor_mce_buttons", 0);
add_filter("mce_buttons_2", "extended_editor_mce_buttons2", 0);
add_filter("mce_buttons_3", "extended_editor_mce_buttons3", 0);
}function extended_editor_mce_plugins($plugins) {
array_push($plugins, "table", "fullscreen", "emotions", "advlink", "advimage", "searchreplace", "iespell");
return $plugins;
}function extended_editor_mce_buttons($buttons) {
return array(
"cut", "copy", "paste", "separator", "undo", "redo", "separator", "search,replace", "separator", "charmap", "emotions", "separator", "link", "unlink", "anchor", "image", "separator", "removeformat", "code", "fullscreen", "wordpress", "iespell", "wphelp");
return $buttons;
}function extended_editor_mce_buttons2($buttons) {
return array(
"formatselect", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "sub", "sup", "separator", "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyfull", "separator", "bullist", "numlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator", "forecolor", "backcolor", "separator", "hr");
return $buttons;
}function extended_editor_mce_buttons3($buttons) {
return array(
return $buttons;
?>If I did this right, and I’m reading this correctly, the iespell button should be right before the help button on the top row. But it’s not. At this point, I’ve worked on it from about 9am to 2pm, without any success in getting the feature I want most. If anyone can point out what’s wrong, I’d be most appreciative. If more information is required, I’m happy to supply it if asked (and if I have any idea how to track it down).
I’ve tried a few other solutions. I installed some Firefox spellcheck extensions, but none of them work in Firefox 1.5. I downgraded to the previous Firefox version, with no luck. What does work is the Google toolbar extension for Firefox, which does have spellcheck. But its spellcheck doesn’t work well in the TinyMCE editor, because it inserts tons of code that remains invisible until you post, unless you go into HTML mode and delete it. So, if I want to use the Google spellcheck, I have to kill the WYSIWYG editor and just ignore it when Google’s spellcheck picks up HTML tags as mispellings. Not a great solution since it means not using the WYSIWYG.
Like I said before, I’m not a developer or a programmer, so I don’t know how difficult it is to do what I’m about to suggest. I’d like to humbly request that the WordPress developers consider making the TinyMCE spellcheck plugin a part of the native WordPress install. It would add tons more value to the WYSIWYG editor.
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