• I’m really new at this.
    I keep get this message every time I try to access my blog at https://www.spike.tv
    Parse error, unexpected $ in /www/s/spiketv/htdocs/index.php
    Can somebody please tell me how to fix this ?


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  • Moderator James Huff


    It looks like you have an unexpected $ at line 113 of /www/s/spiketv/htdocs/index.php. More than likely, this is a plugin issue. If you can login to your admin interface, try deactivating all of your plugins. If you can’t, try moving all of your plugin files to a different directory.

    Thread Starter lou24


    I’m really new at this.
    I keep get this message every time I try to access my blog at https://www.spike.tv
    Parse error, unexpected $ in /www/s/spiketv/htdocs/index.php on line 113
    Can somebody please tell me how to fix this ?


    (1) Access your blog’s admin interface.

    (2) Go to the plugins tab, and deactivate any plugins that you have activated.

    (3) Click on “view site” at the top.

    Does that help you access your blog?

    Thread Starter lou24


    Thanks for the help guys. I accessed the admin interface and went to the plugins tab and all of the plugins had “activate” indicated next to them on the right. In other words, it appears that all of them are already deactivted.

    Let’s step back for a moment: what is on line 113 of index.php in your blog’s main directory?

    *sigh* Nev’ mind – senior and blond….

    Thread Starter lou24


    I know that I can access that information by going to the templates tab in my admin interface, but as stupid as this sounds, I’m not sure which line is 113.

    Copy the text from your index.php file and paste it into pastebin. That will add line numbers for you.

    It’s hard to get line counts without a specific sort of editor interface. Go download phpEdit real quick, install, and open the file in that.

    Oooh – forgot about the pastebin…. I never use it!

    Thread Starter lou24


    ok, I went to pastebin and copied the text from my index.php file and believe it or not the count came out to only 112 lines.

    I don’t see a complete page there (i.e. it ends abruptly in mid PHP function, most likely the cause of the error).

    Do you have an original copy of your index.php?

    Oh, and:


    Thread Starter lou24


    Thats all of the information that was in my index.php file that I obtained from going to the templates tab in my admin interface. I don’t think that I have any other original copy of my index.php file other than whats in the admin interface.

    Moderator James Huff


    The error pertains to the source output of index.php when it’s loaded. Go to your site again (you should see the error again). Then, in your browser, choose “View Source” and copy/paste that into Pastebin.

    It appears you’re using the default index.php for 1.2.x, so if something corrupted the file, I’ve uploaded the *correct* one from the WordPress install:


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