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  • if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) echo 'u fail it';

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    @miqrogroove: That’s a bit too harsh imo. I’ve been using the extension for years without a hiccup. We’d be much better off nailing down which aspects of suhosin cause problems, and raise the appropriate notices.

    (The same would apply to mod_security, but I’m not aware of any means to detect the latter’s settings from PHP.)


    Suhosin installed sometimes is an issue for users of my plugin WP-Table Reloaded.
    I have a lot of textareas on one screen (basically cells of a table), which are named as a two-dimensional array ( $table[$row][$column] basically).
    Obviously, for a larger number of cells, some limit seems to be reached in Suhosin, so that all cells above the limit are simply thrown away.

    Related threads are, e.g.

    So, some sort of Suhosin recognition/advice would be really cool in the Health Check plugin.


    We’d be much better off nailing down which aspects of suhosin cause problems

    Go for it. I think it’s a lost cause. The unfortunate reality is that Suhosin is designed to run in debug mode; a fact most hostmasters ignore during RTFM. It is designed to break PHP applications, with tweak-out exceptions made per install.

    Amusing change log entry:

    2009.08.15: Version 0.9.29
    Increased default length and count limit for POST variables (for people not reading docu)

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    k… there’s a neat list over here:

    In my case the only ones that are set, are the suhosin.log.* variables. Their value is empty in each case. I can easily picture stuff like suhosin.get.* or* causing trouble. That would seem a lot more targeted…

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    suhosin tests added. mod_rewrite tests improved.

    email is still on the todo list, pending ideas on how to test it without sending emails all over the place.

    filosofo is looking into adding cron tests.

    Not sure if this is within the scope since most checks I read were re webserver checks. But might I also suggest some user level checks which can break a new or existing installation and make it “sick” and “feverish”

    1) Check on “health” of WP installs set up the “easy way” via Fantastico or other scipts
    – When some of these installs use the auto-upgrade from dashboard “reminder”, more often than not, you’ll find them in this forum complaining about “buggy” new WordPress version and incomplete upgrades, etc etc etc. What can go wrong when they enable the multisite feature in WP 3.0? Maybe a lot ??

    2) Check if all WordPress files and folders have been uploaded
    – so basic yet many times I’ve seen some new installation problems or upgrading problems resolved in this forum as well as in MU forums when users follow volunteer instructions to reupload WP/WPMU files and folders.
    – e.g. Gallery2 installation had this step where the admin was given a checklist whether G2 files were missing or folder/s CHMOD incorrectly. Since WP prides itself in 5-minute installs, perhaps an outside script? I don’t know, you’re the devs ??

    Just my 2cents. Thank you for the Health plugin.

    suhosin: I would test for it and suggest to use it. But not to say that it’s a must, only that there is a check for it. It’s not an aim of the plugin or this thread to value that a certain component is a must imho.

    file system access: Direct access is best for wordpress, so I would do a check if that works (the PHP-scripts owner is the same user executing the file in the HTTPD/FCGI environment. Next to this the PHP-scripts owner must be the user that is actually transfereing files to the server wether be it via FTP or preferable SFTP.).

    other tests: I’ve compiled a wordpress technical installation checklist you can go through and consider the one or other thing to test for.

    It would be smart to check if the PHP error log file is exposed in either the root or wp-admin locations, since WordPress doesn’t supply the “Deny from all” configuration.

    It’s also a good idea to have script execution disabled for the uploads directory, although that might go over the head of most webmasters.

    Good hint with the uploads directory, some of the exploits are using that directory for their payload scripts.

    Thread Starter Denis de Bernardy


    I’m not 100% how to test that, though. Patch welcome. ??


    Here’s one that came across my desk today:

    Make sure mysql.connect_timeout is less than 30. PHP installs with a default of 60, which is hugely stupid.

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