• Hello, I was hoping I could get my headlines to stop hyphenating mid-word when the line runs out, is there an easy way to have the whole word that doesn’t fit on the first line move to the next line? I am sure there is a term for this, but I am not sure what.


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  • Thread Starter steinikekevin


    This appears to be Safari related, as Chrome doesn’t hyphenate any words in the headline.

    Use this code in Custom CSS option, either in theme’s setting if it has this feature, or use it in a Custom CSS plugin.

    /** reset to initial value, override theme's style**/
    .post-title {
    	-ms-word-break: normal;
    	word-break: normal;
    	-webkit-hyphens: manual;
    	-moz-hyphens: manual;
    	hyphens: manual;

    Thank you soooo much – this was bugging me and could not work out how to fix it – you are a legend!

    Site fixed…


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