• hey there,

    just started on a blog with this theme. already kind of confused because the headings is all invisible! btw am on IE9, it does not even work on firfox.

    dont really understand all these html or any codes involved, hope i dont have to mess around with these stuff!

    help appreciated


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  • Hi,
    What are the URL of your blog and the theme?

    Thread Starter rxpro


    hi there,


    lightword theme!

    That’s because it’s been hidden & replaced by a non-existent image. Check the theme’s options and/or custom header.

    Thread Starter rxpro


    hey thanks for that,

    ok it comes up on firefox BUT seems to be dead on IE9!

    does it run slow on IE9 or something?

    Thread Starter rxpro



    anyone know what am doing wrong here because still the heading does not seem to appear BUT it can be seen when opened with firefox.

    am using IE9.

    any burst of help?

    The theme you use embeds fonts with a JavaScript library called Cufon. There’s a known bug with IE9. See the announcement on this page : https://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/

    So in order to fix it, you’ll have to replace the js file with the new fix they provide. You can download it here :

    (EDIT : URL was wrong)
    Upload it on your host, in the folder wp-content/themes/lightword/js/

    If you’re familiar with HTML, there’s another way explained on the Cufon website (still the same URL as at the beginning of this post)

    Let me know if you encounter any trouble, I’ll try to help.

    I am having the same problem with headers. However, my problem seems to be selective and was being activated with content on one of my posts. I thought deleting and reposting would solve the problem, but the header still would not show up.

    To resolve this, I changed cufon settings in Lightword theme setting to CSS-3 lightweight, and now the headers seems to be showing up fine.

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