• cheryl23


    How do you add titles to appear in the header, i.e. Home, About. I’ve been able to add News, etc but they are subtitles. I want them to appear at the top next to Home About …


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  • The top row is a list of your categories. After you add a category, you need to make sure it contains a post or it will not be displayed in your menu.



    I have this error message when i upload a picture in the header logo section.
    Warning: move_uploaded_file(/homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/uploads/logo.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php on line 187

    Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ‘/tmp/phpSF7uud’ to ‘/homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/uploads/logo.jpg’ in /homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php on line 187

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php:187) in /homez.110/sauvaged/www/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php on line 191

    what can i do ?



    for some reason the categories in the header overlap into the pages to posts is there a way to limit the number of categories in the header?
    my site is https://myboxer.info/

    Hey joejim,

    You got a lot of categories. I would suggest swapping out cats for pages in the nav bar. Open up header.php and change wp_list_categories to wp_list_pages. Then delete the subnavigation div from around line #88 to #95.

    That should do it.

    thx alot that did the trick. another question is there an easy way to change the colors in the css? do I need to modify code anywhere else?

    To change colours it is all in style.css. Just look at the source for your page and find the things you want to change then look for the div that wraps them and its id or classname. Do a search in the stylesheet and change around the colours.

    I hope someone finds this. I have what appear to be “invisible” navigation buttons above my navigation links for my pages. There is one called “HOME” that only shows up when I hover the mouse over it. There is one for categories next to it that is permanent. When I entered a post in that category it had the name of the category on this button. How do I get rid of these things? I didn’t even realize they were part of the theme because they were not visible initially. With the Widgets and Pages I can put enough navigation stuff on the page. These seem unnecessary (And they don’t work). Help is appreciated. I love the theme otherwise!

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