• Hello Very Smart World of Word Press Gurus!

    I am learning and loving WP. I downloaded a theme and set about modifying the design to fit our personality. Everything has gone very smoothly except one thing. The theme had a link to the blog home page and description in the header. Based on my design, I don’t want it to appear. When I went into the header.php and removed it. When I removed the selection of code that was creating the link it modified the spacing of the header graphic (moved it up slightly). Is there a way to “hide” these links so they don’t show through the design OR is there a way to delete it but keep the spacing as it is now?

    Here is the code that is creating the section that is giving me the issue.

    <div id=”header”>
    <h1>/”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>
    <h2><span><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></span></h2>

    To see how it is appearing go to https://www.ckc411.com/wordpress. I really appreciate any help I can get.



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  • Is there a way to “hide” these links so they don’t show through the design

    try add the below code inside your theme’s style.css (at the bottom most)

    #header h1,#header h2{
     text-indent: -999em;
    #header #nav{ margin-top: -22px }
    Thread Starter carolinekempf



    I dropped that code into the “header” portion of the style.css. The links did hide, but it made the header_bg.jpg and bg.jpg disappear too. Is there a different spot I could place the code?


    Thread Starter carolinekempf


    I looked more closely. The code when added actually removed all the jpg graphics.


    I dropped that code into the “header” portion of the style.css

    I dont quite follow you, can you just pretend and do what I exactly wrote above. Just copy paste it in your stylesheet (style.css) place it at bottom most of the file. Dont mix it it with others code.

    My previous css tweak, will hide the “text” (blog’s title & description) from view-port then adjust the header nav-menu position abit.

    Thread Starter carolinekempf


    i followed your directions exactly yesterday. i didn’t make that part clear. it eliminated all the graphics from view. when that happened i tried putting it into the header section of the style.css.

    Either way i do it the graphics disappear.

    Here is the code in the header.php which is creating the problem

    <div id=”header”>
    <h1>/”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></h1>
    <h2><span><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></span></h2>

    I should be able to delete this all together and remove the title and description. But it uses this to account for spacing of the header_bg.jpg.

    i have gone all through the forum and all the instructions removing this title don’t have <span> in the code.


    I feel like I am close because i have removed the first line of code and stripped the title, but it replaces the description with blog title when i do that.


    any help is appreciated.

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