Ah, I see. That will be the pages that WooCommerce automatically generates for you. I noticed recently that those pages behave very oddly. They don’t appear to behave as regular WordPress pages. I’m guessing WooCommerce is hooking in at the template_redirect() hook and taking over everything from there. If my assumption is correct with that, then at that point it’s not really a “page” within WordPress anymore, and so the plugin won’t work as intended.
It will require some extra work to get it working with those pages. You may be able to get some assistance from the WooCommerce folks. If you ask them, and they have some input on how we can work around this then please let me know. I don’t want to write tons of code just to make some other plugin work as intended, but if there’s some filter or hook I can override to force it to work, then I’m not adverse to baking that into the plugin.