Sorry for the late, late reply.
Dear @jerryscg,
so far, the main menu seen on pc and big screens looks like this.
background color: white
text color: black
hover text color: red
The subsections follow the same rules and I’m ok with all of that.
The thing I need help for is the responsive menu for mobile phone and tablets.
Said responsive menu at the moment looks like this
I’d like for it to be more like this.
background color: red
text color: white
hover text color: either black or white, it’s the same
line color among the sections: white
I used the responsive menu of another website to make you see what I’d like instead of changing the image as you asked, ’cause I’m not so good at that. I hope that’s ok with you.
The square can stay the same ’cause I’m ok with it.
That said, I ask you: is there a way to change the responsive menu for mobile phones and tablets as I’d like, WITHOUT affecting the appearance of the pc/laptop main menu?
Another question.
In my responsive menu for tablets and mobile phones the subsections look like this at the moment:
background color: pink or white
text color: black
hover text color: red
Is there a way to modify the main responsive menu as I asked, WITHOUT affetcting the subsections I’ve just showed you, except for the font of the
“subsection father” of a series of subsections like the word “LIBRI”? I mean, could it be in italics, just so its font can’t be confused with bigger subsections, like “PRODOTTI”?
Just to make my point across:
PRODOTTI (Main menu)
Libri (subsection of PRODOTTI)
Generi (subsection of a subsection -> LIBRI)
Novità (subsection of a subsection -> LIBRI)
Consigliato per te (subsection of a subsection -> LIBRI)
I’d like for LIBRI to look different from its father subsection PRODOTTI.
Thanks for your patience and your help.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.