Can you remove the flagging from @apprimit? He didn’t know it was not allowed to do this, I didn’t know either.
The flag will be removed when the moderation team determines that it is no longer necessary. There’s no time table for that and for now the flag will remain.
We will be more careful in the future, but how can we do to help users if we need to login into their sites?
It’s simple: you never do that. Do not ask for login. Full stop, that’s not an option here.
Anyone who does that gets waved off and warned, as you’ve now seen. If it re-occurs then they risk getting banned and their plugins or themes removed from the repo.
As I have written above, there are ways to get the information you need without crossing that line. That is a step too far and has resulted in some amazingly bad situations in the past for users.
The users of your free opensource themes and plugins are not your customers. It is a completely different relationship and trying to treat them like customers is wrong.
That is important and there are lines here that you can’t cross. If they are your customers then they cannot seek support here. Customers are not for these forums and when someone says they’re a customer the topic gets closed when found.
*Drinks much more coffee*
I know you are trying to take care of your users. I see almost all the posts and reviews here. Your support is great and your users appreciate that. Thanks! But don’t cross that line again. If that’s too much for you then honestly, talk to plugins to remove your code from this site. You can support your users as you see fit on your own site.
No one has to provide code or support here. Everything here is voluntary.
There’s one scenario that I want to explain some more. It is fine to send users to your site for support and that is permitted. But do not do this.
Support: “I can’t ask for login here in these forums as it’s against the rules. Use this link on my site where we can talk about things we can’t discuss here. *WINK, WINK*.”
That has happened in the past. That sort of walking around the rules gets people and plugins/themes banned too.
To have a plugin here, the author has to comply with the plugin guidelines. Part of those guidelines states that the forum guidelines have to be adhered too as well.
It says other things as well but I think you understand.
Once more, that login ask is not necessary.
There are many ways to get information you need and accessing the user’s site is not one of them. That’s going too far.
You get the idea.
Volunteer support is not easy. But these forums need to a safe place for all users, experienced or new. Accessing their system that way is a short cut that will get you into real trouble in these forums.
If you truly cannot sort out your user’s problem here the apologize and inform them you cannot help them.