I have checked your site and the current image is coming through the style.css
.page-mycarousel {
background: url(./images/page-header-bg.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0 / cover #143745;
box-shadow: 0 7px 10px -10px #000;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
position: relative;
box-shadow: 0 7px 10px -10px #000;
height: 400px;
margin-bottom: 80px;
If you have to do dynamic for all the pages then you need the help of developer to do this thing dynamic.
@bikram-singh: if I click on Appearance from the WordPress HP, I do not have “Header” among my choices (I see “Themes”, “Customize”, “Widgets”, “Menues”, “Background”, “Plugins” and “Editor”).
@ketuchetan: I could be ok with th same header picture for all pages. Is there any way to load a new photo (for all)?
]]>you can change the image for all the pages by changing this path into your css file.
background: url(/images/page-header-bg.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0 / cover #143745;
I tried buy something went wrong. Hete’s what I did:
Personalize >> Header Settings >> Custom CSS >> Pasted your code within the /* signs.
Any idea on why it is not working? Also, where should I load the image I’d like to publish int he header?
Thanks again for your kind help,
have you solved?How?
@ketuchetan: i’ve find the string you have wrote in css file called light.css under wp-content\themes\bluestreet\css.
i’ve change the string with another image, but never change. Is wordpress chaching something? I try also to delete the string but i’ve the same result.
Thanks in advance